253 Mathilde
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253 Mathilde: Miranda

By Paul Knierim

© 2023

Estimated run time: 25 minutes

Cast of Characters

21 characters: Ahmadi, Marcus, Computer, Announcer, Marissa, Earth Controller, Saetang, Ex-mayor, Renata, Judge, Plant, Stone, Hernandez, Larissa, Therapist, Lawrence, Jim, Tojo, Sergey, Priest, Peters

Click on a character's name to get their lines highlighted.

Marcus (81 lines, 1135 words, 35.66%) - [Glenn Hascall] Marcus Flint, father of Larissa and Marissa.

Ahmadi (91 lines, 1047 words, 32.89%) - [Paul Knierim] Detective Arash Ahmadi is now 46 and married to Marissa Flint.

Earth Controller (1 line, 25 words, 0.79%) - [Mary-Anne Stanek] The earthbound leader of the international 253 Mathilde mission.

Plant (4 lines, 8 words, 0.25%) - [fx] Alien creatures who whistle.

Computer (7 lines, 43 words, 1.35%) - [Azure] Voice of the ship.

Peters (1 line, 82 words, 2.58%) - [David Loftus] Salish Peters, chief mechanic. Great-grandfather was the first mission commander, and he never tires of telling people so and relating the stories of Earth he remembers hearing from great-grandpa. Sensible, direct, kind of average working Joe. Now about to turn 70, he has a husband and two grown kids.

Hernandez (1 line, 44 words, 1.38%) - [Lindsay White] Eva Hernandez is feeling a bit bitter about recent experiences.

Ex-mayor (9 lines, 86 words, 2.7%) - [Roger Arnold] Mayor Renata Mutombo's father is an over the top evil figment of Ahmadi's imagination.

Saetang (4 lines, 75 words, 2.36%) - [Sova Reign] Detective Aranya Saetang is a figment of Ahmadi's imagination.

Renata (6 lines, 66 words, 2.07%) - [Kathleen Li] Renata Mutombo is a figment of Ahmadi's imagination.

Jim (1 line, 42 words, 1.32%) - [SlimSamVO] Jim O'Hara is an ore extractor who works in the mines. He has a chip on his shoulder and is a little resentful of the desk jockeys who run things and know nothing of real work and real danger. In short, he has an attitude when dealing with the detectives. A fairly macho guy.

Judge (1 line, 9 words, 0.28%) - [Rachel Pulliam] Judge Lee is comically evil figment of Ahmadi's imagination.

Tojo (1 line, 49 words, 1.54%) - [Gwenith Knight] Farah Tojo is a bright young adult who's an apprentice mechanic. Brings a youthful eagerness and excitement to the job.

Lawrence (1 line, 67 words, 2.1%) - [James Lorenz] Chief Lawrence heads up astronomy section.

Priest (1 line, 38 words, 1.19%) - [David Nagel] The asteroid's sole religious services provider is 22 years older and wiser than last season, but his role hasn't changed much.

Sergey (1 line, 66 words, 2.07%) - [Alexander Grace] Sergey Kochergan is an ambitious young man who hasn't really decided what to be.

Therapist (1 line, 52 words, 1.63%) - [Ahmad Joudeh] Doctor Tam Peters is the husband of Salish Peters and therapist to all.

Stone (1 line, 41 words, 1.29%) - [John Gaunce] Doctor Stone has become ever more wrapped up in his research over the years and resents being torn away from it.

Marissa (4 lines, 117 words, 3.68%) - [Virginia Hargrove] Communications Chief Marissa Flint is 48 years old and enjoys the responsibilities of her new job. She's now married to Arash Ahmadi... turns out there was some jealousy behind her previous spite for him, but they're still playfully combative at times.

Larissa (1 line, 34 words, 1.07%) - [Lindsay Townsend] Chief Mech Larissa Flint is now 40 years old and much more experienced than last season.

Announcer (3 lines, 57 words, 1.79%) - [Erin Suminsby] Reads opening, closing and credits.

Highlight Sound

Script format: Margined | Marginless (for phone viewing)

  1 SOUND: ship shaking

  2 Ahmadi: [loud over noise] What's happening?!

  3 Marcus: [loud over noise] I think it's just atmospheric turbulence.

  4 SOUND: alarms going off

  5 Ahmadi: [loud over noise] But...

  6 Computer: Engine malfunction detected, thrust is fluctuating and falling...

  7 Marcus: [loud over noise] Ariel, can we still land?!

  8 Computer: Negative, insufficient thrust for vertical landing.

  9 Marcus: [loud over noise] Can we abort back to orbit?

  10 Computer: Negative, insufficient thrust.

  11 Marcus: [loud over noise, urgently] Please tell me there's an alternative!

  12 Ahmadi: We're coming down way too fast!

  13 Computer: Extending control surfaces, attempting to level descent for horizontal landing.

  14 Marcus: [loud over noise, urgently] Ariel, you're going to try to *glide* to a landing?!

  15 Computer: Affirmative.

  16 Ahmadi: [loud over noise, urgently] But, that's thick forest down there!

  17 Marcus: [loud over noise, urgently] And this ship isn't designed to land like an airplane anyway!

  18 Computer: This maneuver cannot be accurately classified as a landing, but should enable crew survival.

  19 Ahmadi: [loud over noise, urgently] What does that mean?

  20 Marcus: [loud over noise, urgently] Crash. A crash is what it means.

  21 Computer: Affirmative.

  22 SOUND: big bang and they're thrown around

  23 Ahmadi: [loud over noise, urgently] What was that?!

  24 Marcus: [loud over noise, urgently] We brushed the forest canopy for a moment and bounced. Hold on, we're about to hit it again...

  25 SOUND: crash

  26 Ahmadi: You okay, Marcus?

  27 Marcus: I'm fine.

  28 Ahmadi: They say any landing you can walk away from is a good one. And we weren't going to be able to reuse the ship anyway.

  29 Marcus: We should be able to salvage what we need.

  30 Ahmadi: I think I can pull the radio out and take it with us.

  31 Marcus: Not like we can call anyone anyway.

  32 Ahmadi: But I like those messages from Earth. Makes me feel less cut off, more like we we're still part of the same universe as Mathilde and Earth.

  33 Marcus: We *are* part of the same universe.

  34 Ahmadi: Well it's nice to have someone out there who can call us up and tell us so.

  35 Marcus: Anyway, let's get that hatch open.

  36 SOUND: hatch opens

  37 Ahmadi: After you, Marcus.

  38 Marcus: No, I took the first step on Eddington... your turn now. Be careful, remember how heavy you are now.

  39 Ahmadi: [mock offense] Hey, you've put on some weight yourself. Okay, here goes...

  40 SOUND: stepping down heavily

  41 SOUND: opening theme

  42 Announcer: Quiet Please dot org presents Two Fifty Three Mathilde. In the early 22nd century, the crewed asteroid 253 Mathilde left the solar system on an interstellar mission. Generations later, after a hundred and fourteen years, a new star system stretches out in front of them…

  43 Announcer: Episode 19 - Miranda

  44 SOUND: tent opens, Ahmadi enters

  45 Ahmadi: How are the toxicology reports coming?

  46 Marcus: We lost a few tests in the crash, but what I've got is showing all the vegetation is good.

  47 Ahmadi: Huh, isn't that odd, shouldn't there be at least some poisonous plants?

  48 Marcus: It fits with the other odd thing I've been noticing: no insects, no animal life at all so far.

  49 Ahmadi: So the plants haven't had anything try to eat them that they'd need to poison. Should we start eating them?

  50 Marcus: Might as well, I'm not going to learn anything else before our rations run out.

  51 SOUND: hailing, someone goes to press play

  52 Marissa: Hello there, explorer!

  53 Ahmadi: Marissa!

  54 Marcus: Marissa!

  55 Marissa: On behalf of everyone back on 253 Mathilde, we just want to pass along our thanks for all the risks you're taking on our behalf! We hope the future finds you well!

  56 Earth Controller: And Earth is happy to pass that along -- Flint sent us that in the year 2207 as you'd measure it, for you to hear today.

  57 Ahmadi: [after a pause] That's a new kind of uncanny valley. So what's on the agenda for today, more exploration?

  58 Marcus: Let's pack everything we can and lug it down to the river. We'll build a raft, tie everything we can to it, and head downstream.

  59 Ahmadi: Beats trying to hack through the jungle forever, I suppose.

  60 Marcus: We'll cover a lot more distance and have a much wider view. Maybe we'll discover an ideal spot for a long-term camp... or even something more interesting and unexpected.

  61 Ahmadi: I feel like I'm adjusting to the gravity, hopefully I can be less of a burden and more of a help than I've been the last week.

  62 SOUND: they start packing

  63 SOUND: transition

  64 SOUND: rafting down gentle river

  65 Ahmadi: I could get used to this.

  66 Marcus: It sure is a breathtaking view.

  67 Ahmadi: As Miranda's acting government, we'll have to declare this a national park. River gorge national park.

  68 Marcus: If only we'd been able to send videos and holos back, people on Earth would be competing for a chance to be settlers here.

  69 Ahmadi: Oh, they'll come anyway... it'll probably take a few centuries, but they'll come.

  70 Marcus: They'll step out onto what they think is a new world, and they'll see your national park sign.

  71 Ahmadi: And our skeletons beside it, maybe.

  72 SOUND: pause

  73 Marcus: [sharply] What's that? On top of the ridge up there, just coming into view around the bend!

  74 Ahmadi: That can't be natural.

  75 Marcus: Those look like buildings of a sort, only...

  76 Ahmadi: They're covered in something. Vines I guess.

  77 Marcus: Probably dead ones, from the color and the kind of decayed look. We're coming up on it, let's get to shore.

  78 Ahmadi: You want to go up to it?

  79 Marcus: Don't you? It's what we came here for!

  80 Ahmadi: Well yeah, but... jeez, that's gonna be quite a climb.

  81 SOUND: coming to shore, dragging raft through sand

  82 Marcus: Okay that's good. The raft should be safe here.

  83 Ahmadi: Considering we've seen no animal life. But, whatever built that town up there...

  84 Marcus: ... probably has no interest in stealing our supplies, because they've got better. Let's just bring food and water, everything else can stay here.

  85 Ahmadi: I can fit the radio too. Okay, let's go... over here looks like the path of least resistance.

  86 SOUND: climbing montage

  87 Ahmadi: [10 seconds climbing exertion grunts]

  88 Marcus: [10 seconds climbing exertion grunts]

  89 Marcus: You're doing fine, Ahmadi. We're almost halfway up.

  90 Ahmadi: [panting] Hold up a minute. I don't have your injection-aided muscles. And I need some water.

  91 SOUND: reaching for water from backpack

  92 SOUND: radio slides away

  93 Ahmadi: Shit!

  94 Marcus: Did you lose something back there?

  95 Ahmadi: Our radio.

  96 Marcus: No chance to get it?

  97 Ahmadi: It's in a bunch of pieces in the river now.

  98 SOUND: chugging water

  99 Marcus: A radio isn't a very useful item on this planet anyway.

  100 Ahmadi: But it was our last connection to the rest of humanity. Now we really are completely alone, forever.

  101 Marcus: It's not humanity you check it for every morning. It's Marissa.

  102 Ahmadi: True.

  103 Marcus: And not another transmission she relayed through Earth decades ago, either. You were still expecting news from Mathilde.

  104 Ahmadi: I've kept myself going by believing that one day I'll hear her voice telling me everything worked out for them.

  105 Marcus: It's been nearly four months. You wouldn't have been able to send a reply anyway at this distance.

  106 Ahmadi: That wouldn't matter! Knowing they took back control and escaped would be enough, wouldn't it?

  107 Marcus: Well, I prefer to keep my hopes realistic. I hope they're safely on their way to Earth as well-treated captives. Now let's go, break's over.

  108 SOUND: climbing and clanking of packs

  109 SOUND: transition

  110 SOUND: Ahmadi climbing last bit

  111 Marcus: You made it! This is the top.

  112 Ahmadi: Wow, I've never seen anything like this!

  113 Marcus: No human ever has. I'd estimate most of these things are about 10 meters high... and a lot wider.

  114 Ahmadi: Seems they're organized in concentric circles, at least it looks that way from here. Still not sure what they are, though... except obviously structures of some sort that look long-abandoned.

  115 Marcus: Let's go into one and find out. They all seem to have open archways instead of doors... maybe the doors were made of something that decomposed quicker.

  116 SOUND: footsteps and rustling, reverb changes upon entering

  117 Ahmadi: This is so odd.

  118 SOUND: sticks hand into leaves

  119 Ahmadi: Marcus! This isn't a building covered in dead vines!

  120 Marcus: What do you mean?

  121 Ahmadi: Feel the wall! Stick your hand all the way in!

  122 SOUND: sticks hand into leaves

  123 Marcus: I see what you mean. The vines themselves are the structure.

  124 Ahmadi: It's an organic building! Imagine growing the structures you need instead of constructing them!

  125 Marcus: I wonder how it's done. Maybe they have different seeds that grow into different sorts of structures.

  126 Ahmadi: And I wonder who they are, and where they are.

  127 Marcus: I don't think they've been around here for a while.

  128 Ahmadi: Looks that way, but how would we really know how it's supposed to look?

  129 Marcus: The smell is pretty odd.

  130 Ahmadi: Yeah, kind of like rotting fruit.

  131 Marcus: You've smelled rotting fruit, Ahmadi?

  132 Ahmadi: Well there was this one time as a kid when I took a banana from the arboretum and hid it in my room. By the time it started to smell I'd forgotten about it.

  133 Marcus: [excited] Have a look at this!

  134 SOUND: walking over

  135 Ahmadi: What is it?

  136 Marcus: Looks like electrical wiring!

  137 Ahmadi: Hmm, it does. Like looking inside the wall of a decaying house. Except the decay seems more organic here... even the wires look more grown than installed, but I can't imagine how that'd work.

  138 Marcus: I wish we could see how it looked in its prime.

  139 Ahmadi: We're wandering through a ghost town, without ever having seen a live town. How old would you guess this place is?

  140 Marcus: It's really hard to say, not knowing the typical decay rates. But if this building was alive, it might've died only a year ago. I mean, the walls have seen better days but everything is still standing and you'd expect organic material to decompose pretty quick.

  141 Ahmadi: So their civilization could still be around somewhere else, even if it abandoned this particular place.

  142 Marcus: Well, who knows, we don't have much in the way of facts to base our guesses on.

  143 Ahmadi: What I do know for a fact is I can't do any more walking today.

  144 Marcus: It's just about sunset anyway. We'll camp here for the night.

  145 Ahmadi: In this... building?

  146 Marcus: Why not? It's the best shelter we're going to get, unless you want to climb back down to where we left the tent.

  147 Ahmadi: Okay, I call this corner, this thing growing out of the wall here looks soft enough to make a decent bed.

  148 SOUND: sound of him bedding down

  149 SOUND: transition

  150 SOUND: security room tone

  151 Ahmadi: Where am I?

  152 Saetang: Been dozing off at work again, Ahmadi?

  153 Ahmadi: Oh...

  154 SOUND: door opens, footsteps approach

  155 Ex-mayor: [surprised and angry] Ahmadi! What are YOU doing back here? Explain yourself!

  156 Ahmadi: I just... I mean, I wanted... the aliens... not my fault!

  157 Ex-mayor: [angry] You're fired! Again! In fact, Detective Saetang, arrest this man for treason!

  158 SOUND: Saetang comes over, jingles handcuffs

  159 Saetang: Hold out your hands, Ahmadi.

  160 Ahmadi: But, I'd didn't mean to...

  161 SOUND: door opens, footsteps enter

  162 Renata: What's going on here?!

  163 Ahmadi: Mayor! I'm innocent, help me!

  164 Renata: How'd the traitor get back here?

  165 Ex-mayor: His alien friends must've given him a lift back so he could finish the job and kill us all.

  166 Renata: We're not going to let you do that, Ahmadi. Tie him up!

  167 SOUND: tying

  168 Ex-mayor: Hold still!

  169 Ahmadi: But I'm already in handcuffs, why do you need to tie me up?!

  170 Ex-mayor: Can't be too careful with a traitor.

  171 Renata: Put a gag on him too, so we don't have to listen to more of his pitiful claims that it's not his fault he betrayed us.

  172 Ex-mayor: Good idea.

  173 SOUND: gag application

  174 Ahmadi: [tries to protest with fear through gag]

  175 Ex-mayor: You know what?

  176 Renata: Yes, dad?

  177 Ex-mayor: This isn't good enough for what he's done. This calls for the death penalty.

  178 Saetang: Agreed. But we should make this legal.

  179 SOUND: door opens, steps enter

  180 Renata: I already sent for Judge Lee... ah here she is now. You're just in time, Judge.

  181 Judge: Guilty! I sentence you to immediate death by strangulation!

  182 Ex-mayor: That's something I've wanted to do to him for decades. All together, let's grab his throat and squeeze.

  183 Ahmadi: [trying to scream through gag]

  184 SOUND: dream bubble pops

  185 Ahmadi: [gasping and struggling] Help!

  186 Marcus: [fast, urgently] Hold as still as you can, I'm trying to cut it off you!

  187 SOUND: cutting sounds

  188 Ahmadi: *gasps for breath* Thanks Marcus, that was a close one. Do you think that's this structure's idea of a security system, designed to strangle intruders while we sleep?

  189 Marcus: Looks more like a parasite feeding on the dead husk. Maybe a sort of a cross between mistletoe, a venus fly trap, and a boa constrictor.

  190 Ahmadi: Well, one thing is certain.

  191 Marcus: What's that?

  192 Ahmadi: Not all the plant life on Miranda is harmless after all.

  193 SOUND: scene transition

  194 Ahmadi: Where are we headed today, Marcus?

  195 Marcus: North.

  196 Ahmadi: Any particular reason?

  197 Marcus: The sea shouldn't be too far, and it shouldn't be as hot there.

  198 Ahmadi: I'm all for getting out of the heat. Let's go.

  199 SOUND: trudging along montage

  200 Marcus: The top of this hill should give us a good vantage point. We'll plan our direction from there.

  201 SOUND: more trudging

  202 Marcus: There. Whew. You coming, Ahmadi?

  203 Ahmadi: [distant, panting] You know I'm not so good at this gravity. I'll be up there in a minute.

  204 Marcus: [awestruck] Wow, what a view! And... that's amazing! You've got to see this!

  205 Ahmadi: [less distant, panting] What is it, what do you see?!

  206 Marcus: The other side slopes down to a flat plain along the ocean shore... and there's a city!

  207 Ahmadi: [nearing] A city?!

  208 Marcus: It looks a lot like the one we explored yesterday, only it's bigger and it's alive!

  209 Ahmadi: Alive?!

  210 Marcus: [excited] Come on, let's get down there!

  211 SOUND: transition

  212 SOUND: rustling bush

  213 Marcus: WATCH OUT! Look at that thing!

  214 Ahmadi: I think it's intelligent! Looks like ornamentation on the torso!

  215 Plant: whistles greeting

  216 Marcus: Must be the species responsible for the city. Reminds me of a triffid.

  217 Ahmadi: What's a triffid?

  218 Marcus: From a 20th century John Wyndham story, walking plants. It's the first thing we've seen on this planet that moves like an animal, but those leaf-like things appear to be part of the body, so not sure if it's more plant or animal.

  219 Ahmadi: Maybe they get energy from both photosynthesis and food.

  220 Marcus: Well, let's try not to be its food. Back off slowly...

  221 Plant: whistles loudly to summon others out

  222 SOUND: rustling bushes

  223 Ahmadi: There's more of them!

  224 SOUND: emergence and various whistling conversations

  225 Marcus: Looks like we're surrounded.

  226 Ahmadi: Probably just curiosity, I don't think they mean us any harm.

  227 Marcus: I remember the last aliens you said that about. But it's not like my knife is going to hold them all off, so we'd better try to cooperate with them until we find out more. Unless I've missed my guess, they want us to walk with them now.

  228 SOUND: human and plant movement and walking

  229 SOUND: time transition

  230 Ahmadi: I think they're taking us to the building next to that giant concave structure there in the distance...

  231 Marcus: It looks like a gigantic satellite dish... with an organic base but a metal finish.

  232 Ahmadi: Maybe that's exactly what it is. We're aliens to them, it'd only make sense to take us to a space program facility.

  233 Marcus: Well, let's hope it's not to be locked in cages as specimens for observation and dissection.

  234 Ahmadi: I don't sense any hostility.

  235 Marcus: Neither do most lab rats, until it's too late.

  236 SOUND: transition

  237 SOUND: whistles all around as they walk

  238 Marcus: Seems we're this town's primary entertainment at the moment.

  239 SOUND: walking through organic-sounding doors as they open, more group walking on carpety texture

  240 Ahmadi: So this is what the buildings look like when they're alive... it's amazing!

  241 Marcus: I wish I could ask them what they're doing with us.

  242 Ahmadi: Learning that whistley language of theirs is going to be quite a challenge.

  243 Marcus: It's kind of like being Columbus in 1492, only harder... how do you translate when there's nobody in the world who speaks both languages, or any common third language, or even a similar language family?

  244 SOUND: another organicy door opens for them

  245 Ahmadi: Marcus, those are 2D video screens! Not like ours, but the same purpose!

  246 SOUND: control fiddling

  247 Ahmadi: I think they want us to watch something.

Wow look, that's--!

  248 Marcus: [quickly and sharply] Quiet!

  249 Marissa: We know this is a long shot, that our signal may be too weak or you may never hear this for any number of other reasons. But we had to try. There's a few people here who'd like to have a brief word with you guys.

  250 Stone: Chief botanist John Stone here -- that's a long story. Ahmadi, I never got a chance to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to you. If I hadn't been negligent, things might've turned out very differently for you.

  251 Hernandez: This is Eva Hernandez. I didn't know either of you that well, but I know what it's like to go through hardships and get hurt and have to carry on, and I'm rooting for you two to persevere through whatever pioneer challenges you're facing.

  252 Larissa: This is Larissa Flint. Dad, I'm sorry we never had the relationship we should've. It wasn't all your fault, some of it was me not wanting to forgive you or believe you could change.

  253 Therapist: Tam Peters here. I trust we made the right choice by sending you, Marcus -- I was sure you'd be the best prepared to deal with the stresses of the mission. And Ahmadi, I wish you were still here, because it would've been fascinating to document a case as unique as yours.

  254 Saetang: Hello Ahmadi, it's your old partner Aranya Saetang. I may not always have shown it, I may have resented sharing the job with you sometimes when there was hardly enough work for one of us let alone both... but I want you to know I really came to respect you over the years we worked together.

  255 Lawrence: Chief Lawrence here. It's been my privilege to study the Tau Ceti system the last few years. I have so many theories, so many guesses about what you might be experiencing on Eddington or Miranda right now. But you two probably learn more things every single day you live there than I can in a lifetime through telescopes. I just wish you could tell us about it.

  256 Jim: Jim O'Hara. I'm gonna be honest, no sense bullshitting you, you both know I never liked either of you. But I do respect what you're doing, and I hope you've made some incredible discoveries that make everything we've been through worth it.

  257 Tojo: Farah Tojo speaking. I envy you both for getting to live and work in that compact marvel of a ship we built, and for the challenge of trying to maintain and repair technology over the years to come on a primitive world. Wish I could be there to help.

  258 Sergey: This is Sergey Kochergan. Marcus, I was heartbroken when I heard you got picked for the mission instead of me. I kept hoping you'd change your mind and back out so I could replace you. You're having the adventure of a lifetime out there... and if it's a struggle sometimes, don't ever forget that a lot of us would give anything to be in your shoes.

  259 Priest: Father Kim here. Marcus... Ahmadi... we think about you every day. You're a part of ourselves we've left behind, not as a loss but as a seed we've planted in an alien soil. I hope you've taken root.

  260 Peters: This is acting mayor Peters. We've been through a lot up here, we've made sacrifices and we've lost a lot of people. You know what kept us going through the darkest days? You did. You were our purpose, and you're our legacy. We're out here to explore the galaxy, and you're the ones doing that on the ground for us. If you've been successful, if you've made discoveries, then our purpose was achieved and everything we lost was worth it. Thank you.

  261 Marissa: We've encoded our projected course and speed in the hope that somehow, some way, you can find the transmitter power to send a reply. Hoping this message found you well, this is two fifty-three Mathilde signing off.

  262 SOUND: sign off sound, controls

  263 Plant: [whistles something]

  264 SOUND: tapping panel

  265 Ahmadi: That one's trying to tell us something...

  266 Marcus: I think they're trying to offer us a chance to send a reply.

  267 Plant: [whistles something shorter]

  268 Ahmadi: Hmm, I think you're right!

  269 SOUND: control fiddling

  270 Marcus: Marissa, Larissa, everybody else up there... we're okay. It's been a struggle, but we're through the worst of it. I can see myself making a good life here. I have a purpose now. This mission has changed me, exactly how I needed it to. I miss you, but this was the best decision I ever made.

  271 Ahmadi: I didn't want to make this trip, it wasn't my decision. I was used, and I was mad about it. And I've really missed you, Marissa. But now a part of me is thankful, because it's been an incredible adventure. We've seen things you wouldn't believe. Magnificent eclipses. Awe-inspiring storms. Magnificent canyons. Whole cities that are grown, not built. Life forms we could never have imagined. And we've discovered new depths in ourselves we never knew we had until the circumstances brought it out.

  272 Marcus: We'll try to send you full and detailed mission reports later, once we're settled in, assuming we can make our hosts understand what we want to do. For now, we wish you save travels.

  273 Ahmadi: Marcus and I were just the beginning, just the first step to establishing humanity among the stars. Now it's up to you to keep it going, to explore as much of the galaxy as you can, and to pass on that mission to the next generation.

  274 SOUND: closing theme

  275 Announcer: You've been listening to Two Fifty-Three Mathilde, episode nineteen: Miranda.

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