253 Mathilde
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253 Mathilde: End of an Era

By Paul Knierim

© 2022

Estimated run time: 21 minutes

Cast of Characters

16 characters: Stone, Ambassador One, Maradona, Sanders, Ahmadi, Announcer, Saetang, Mayor, Judge, Ambassador Five, Priest, Monk, Human Computer, Renata, Peters, Larissa

Click on a character's name to get their lines highlighted.

Mayor (49 lines, 799 words, 30.08%) - [Roger Arnold] The leader of the asteroid, as yet unnamed as everyone just calls him mayor because he's been mayor so long and will continue in the role as long as he wants. Tends to be impatient and sarcastic with underlings but can turn on the charm and make a good speech when needed. In his 60s but not thinking about retirement... well, until this episode.

Ambassador One (20 lines, 277 words, 10.43%) - [espeak] Ambassador One is a Centaurian. They communicate non-verbally, so in order to be understood by humans they wear machine translators.

Judge (16 lines, 181 words, 6.81%) - [Rachel Pulliam] Judge Lee is the community's justice, and a fair peacemaker.

Maradona (15 lines, 224 words, 8.43%) - [Matt Ellis] Jesús Maradona is now styling himself the leader of an uprising against an unjust government.

Priest (12 lines, 111 words, 4.18%) - [David Nagel] Probably the only cleric on the asteroid, his religion is deliberately vague and combines aspects of many Earth religions. He has a certain practiced aura of aloof calmness, and a practiced ear.

Stone (10 lines, 113 words, 4.25%) - [John Gaunce] Doctor Stone. Willing to do whatever it takes to save patients, even if it goes against the laws or morals of society. Is frustrated by societal resistance to experimentation and progress, thinks Earth-sourced ethics need to be updated for life in interstellar space. Just a touch of mad scientist, but really means well and the audience will be torn on whether to approve of the methods.

Peters (8 lines, 188 words, 7.08%) - [David Loftus] Salish Peters, chief mechanic. Great-grandfather was the first mission commander, and he never tires of telling people so and relating the stories of Earth he remembers hearing from great-grandpa. Sensible, direct, kind of average working Joe. Middle aged, has husband and two grown kids.

Ahmadi (8 lines, 62 words, 2.33%) - [Paul Knierim] Former detective Arash Ahmadi is a bit broken and angry at the moment.

Ambassador Five (7 lines, 140 words, 5.27%) - [espeak] Ambassador Five is a Centaurian. They communicate non-verbally, so in order to be understood by humans they wear machine translators. You will be the voice of the translation machine, and thus rather flat and emotionless even when Ambassador Five is attempting to convey deep emotion. Make sure words are clearly enunciated, don't try to make it too computery as I'll add that effect in post.

Saetang (5 lines, 224 words, 8.43%) - [Sova Reign] Detective Aranya Saetang is brand new to the job, but ambitious and ready to prove herself in this crisis.

Monk (5 lines, 17 words, 0.64%) - [George Worrall] Appearing in a drug-fueled hallucination, the monk is a calm but sinister spiritual figure who wants the mayor to be a human sacrifice.

Larissa (4 lines, 59 words, 2.22%) - [Lindsay Townsend] Larissa Flint. Younger sister of Marissa. Wants more independence and feels a bit resentful. Apprentice mechanic. Young (18), eager, optimistic and inexperienced. Academically-gifted quick learner.

Human Computer (4 lines, 18 words, 0.68%) - [Kathleen Li] The voice of the asteroid's central computer and invidual multicoms.

Renata (2 lines, 34 words, 1.28%) - [Kathleen Li] The mayor's daughter. Aged 30 or so.

Sanders (2 lines, 19 words, 0.72%) - [Erin Suminsby] Returnist foot solider.

Announcer (2 lines, 190 words, 7.15%) - [Erin Suminsby] Reads opening, closing and credits.

Highlight Sound

Script format: Margined | Marginless (for phone viewing)

  1 SOUND: arboretum background

  2 Stone: [calling out to somewhat distant person] The ambassador is waking up!

  3 SOUND: footsteps approach

  4 Ambassador One: I demand to know why I have been abducted and bound!

  5 Maradona: You're in no position to make demands.

  6 Ambassador One: You are in no position to survive this day. They will come for me.

  7 Sanders: [with spite] We discovered your lies. Nobody's sympathetic to you now.

  8 Ambassador One: If you were in control of this situation, you would have me in medical or still in the Centaurian section.

  9 Stone: I do wish we had him in medical.

  10 Maradona: [irritated] What you're going to do is issue an announcement apologizing for the deception and calling for us all to return to Earth.

  11 Ambassador One: I will do no such thing.

  12 Ahmadi: Let me try, I've done a few interrogations.

  13 Maradona: Have at it, I'll go check the traps.

  14 SOUND: footsteps depart

  15 Ahmadi: [false bravado] You're going to wish you'd cooperated with Maradona.

  16 Ambassador One: You do not frighten me, child.

  17 Ahmadi: I'm 24.

  18 Ambassador One: I am either 81 or 614 depending how you count hibernation time.

  19 Stone: Ask him how to activate the suspension pod's maintenance mode.

  20 Ambassador One: I can hear you.

  21 Stone: Well?

  22 Ambassador One: I have no intention of helping you in any way.

  23 Stone: Without your advice, I could damage it when I disassemble it.

  24 Ambassador One: I have no doubt that you will.

  25 Stone: And then you'll be stuck in real time with the rest of us, no more skipping ahead to the future. You'll die before we get anywhere near your home.

  26 Ambassador One: You know we are not going to my home anyway.

  27 Stone: Your station. I'm sure you'll have transport home from there, once we humans have been safely stowed where we can't observe your trajectory.

  28 Ambassador One: You think you are clever.

  29 Ahmadi: He's figured you out quick, Doc.

  30 Ambassador One: If you are truly clever, you will help me so that you may live.

  31 SOUND: opening theme

  32 Announcer: QuietPlease dot org presents “253 Mathilde”.

At the turn of the 22nd century, the asteroid 253 Mathilde was converted into an interstellar spaceship. Now 92 years into a 780 year mission, generations have come and gone.

Episode six - End of an Era.

  33 SOUND: mayor's office

  34 Saetang: We believe they have explosives and other traps at both entrances, and it'd be hard to ensure a militia wouldn't have returnist infiltrators. We'd win in the end, but any direct assault could lead to a lot of casualties, and of course there's no way we could ensure the safety of the hostage.

  35 Mayor: What about their air supply? Can't we just turn off their air until they pass out?

  36 Saetang: That's why they picked the arboretum, the plants will process oxygen for them. And they've already blocked the vents to prevent us pumping in a knockout gas.

  37 Mayor: We could turn off their power, leave them in the dark.

  38 Saetang: That could stop the plants from producing oxygen, but we wouldn't be able to time how long until they pass out. And Centaurians can't go as long without oxygen as we can, so either we'd have to go in while the terrorists are still awake or we'd have to let the hostage die. And the terrorists would know when to expect our assault, we'd lose the critical advantage of surprise. And for all we know they may have battery packs that could last them quite a while.

  39 Mayor: [with a sigh of resignation] Well… Detective Saetang, do you have any suggestions?

  40 Saetang: Send a negotiator. At least it'll buy us time and intel. Maybe some of the terrorists are having second thoughts about what they're doing and we can split them.

  41 Mayor: I don't think we have any trained hostage negotiators, it's not like the situation has ever come up before.

  42 Saetang: Can you think of somebody they'd trust? Somebody they wouldn't take as another hostage, who wouldn't defect to their side, who might be able to talk them down?

  43 Mayor: Hmm. There *is* someone who meets those criteria.

  44 SOUND: subtle scene transition

  45 SOUND: hall outside judge's quarters, doorbell signal, shifting noises, then door opens

  46 Judge: Mayor, what are you doing here?

  47 Mayor: [awkward forced humility] I have a request to make of you, Judge.

  48 Judge: What is it?

  49 Mayor: I believe you're up to date on the situation. I'd like you to negotiate with the terrorists who are holding Ambassador One. Find out what they want, see if the ambassador is okay, devise any concessions you can to secure the ambassador's release without compromising our mission.

  50 Judge: [touched by the reconciliation] Thank you, mayor. It's an honor.

  51 Mayor: [sharply] Don't mistake this for forgiveness. I think you're a disgrace as a judge, and this hostage situation is your fault -- and so is Patel's death -- because you let Ahmadi and Stone go free. I trust you understand now how letting criminals off the hook encourages them to commit further crimes. But I need to send someone these terrorists will listen to and trust, and that's you. Go clean up this mess you've created, if you can.

  52 SOUND: scene change music

  53 SOUND: arboretum

  54 Judge: Have you been treated okay, Ambassador?

  55 Ambassador One: Other than being kidnapped and bound and threatened with violence if I do not issue a false call to abandon the mission, and not provided any food or water, and some lingering nausea from the improper waking, I am okay.

  56 Judge: I'll see what I can get them to do for you. By the way, Ambassador Five asked me to relay a one word message to you, he said you'd understand.

  57 Ambassador One: What is the message?

  58 Judge: ‘Tonight.'

  59 Ambassador One: Understood.

  60 Judge: [awkwardly] If I may ask, Ambassador… your voice sounds so different and in some ways more natural than Ambassador Five's, except you don't seem to use contractions. Why is that?

  61 Ambassador One: We all have our idiosyncrasies. Five chose a translator voice that emphasizes his alien nature to you. If you sometimes cannot understand him easily, he does not care, or more likely he enjoys your struggle. I think he likes the attention an unusual voice commands, he is rather pungent in our language as well.

  62 Judge: Interesting, thanks for the insight.

  63 SOUND: footsteps

  64 Judge: [with a bit of harshness] Maradona, what are your intentions toward the ambassador?

  65 Maradona: That depends on the mayor. If he turns over power to us, we'll set the ambassador free.

  66 Judge: I don't think that's a realistic demand. But who exactly would he be turning over power to? You?

  67 Maradona: I could become mayor, or we could have a ruling council representing various constituencies as long as they're committed to a return to Earth. I'm open to negotiation on the mechanism.

  68 Ahmadi: Either way, you'll be pulling the strings.

  69 Maradona: As long as the right strings get pulled, I'm not fussy. Hope you remember whose side you're on, Ahmadi.

  70 Judge: What if the mayor were to agree to return to Earth *without* handing over power?

  71 Maradona: Worthless, he could just change his mind later once he's got us out of the way.

  72 Ahmadi: What about putting a neutral third party in power for the time being?

  73 Maradona: Let me guess Ahmadi, you're about to declare yourself neutral and offer to graciously accept the position.

  74 Ahmadi: The thought hadn't crossed my mind, but I'm up for it if you insist.

  75 Judge: Gentlemen, let's get back on track with some smaller issues. We'd like you to allow Ambassador Five to speak with Ambassador One.

  76 Maradona: What are you offering?

  77 Judge: Food and water.

  78 Maradona: We already have that. How about more battery packs, in case the mayor shuts off our power?

  79 Judge: [hesitant] I think that can be arranged.

  80 Maradona: And it'll be a video call only, no physical access.

  81 Judge: Fine. It's a start. Trust can be built from the smallest foundation.

  82 Maradona: Tell the mayor we aren't going to budge on the demand for an end to his rule.

  83 Judge: He's not going to like that. But I'll tell him.

  84 SOUND: scene transition

  85 SOUND: mayor's office

  86 Ambassador Five: Mayor, I'm prepared to loan you five laser rifles and five stun grenades. This should be sufficient.

  87 Mayor: I wasn't aware you had such an arsenal.

  88 Ambassador Five: As an alien minority here, we needed defensive precautions. The current situation demonstrates they were inadequate.

  89 Mayor: And what would you have me do with these weapons?

  90 Ambassador Five: Is it not obvious? You must use them to subdue the terrorists and free the hostage.

  91 Mayor: And then?

  92 Ambassador Five: Is trial and imprisonment not the obvious step?

  93 Mayor: There are 6 of them in there, and probably dozens of collaborators on the outside who bear criminal responsibility. And at least fifty or sixty more who sympathize with their cause and would see them as living martyrs to rally around. We can't fit them all in the cell.

  94 Ambassador Five: Then execute the terrorists. Their examples will be instructive to those who might think to imitate them. And will your birthing age population not be happy for the additional birth permits in next year's lottery?

  95 Mayor: [angry] Get out!

  96 Ambassador Five: I don't understand you, mayor.

  97 Mayor: Our people are not disposable! We're seeking a *peaceful* solution. Get out!

  98 Ambassador Five: I will leave. But if you don't act, if you do not free Ambassador One before this day is done, then we will act without you. And then our dynamic will change, and perhaps it's you who will be called to my office.

  99 SOUND: footsteps exit, door opens and closes

  100 SOUND: arboretum, sound of tools being used to take something apart

  101 SOUND: warning beep starts

  102 Stone: Damn! I think I just triggered an anti-tampering fail-safe!

  103 Ambassador One: I suggest that you all gather closely around it to see if one of you can spot how to disable it.

  104 Ahmadi: [urgently] Get away from it, doctor!

  105 Stone: [hurriedly] Hmm I think you're right.

  106 SOUND: sprinting away and diving to ground as explosion hits, then Maradona's approaching running footsteps

  107 Sanders: [shouting] Are they attacking?! How'd they get a bomb in here?!

  108 Stone: It's just the hibernetic suspension pod, had an anti-tamper mechanism. Should've anticipated.

  109 Maradona: They *really* don't want us getting that technology.

  110 Ambassador One: It was designed for exactly this sort of scenario.

  111 Maradona: Well, that's the end of your chance to get home.

  112 Ambassador One: Yes, it is. Now I will die inside this rock with the rest of you.

  113 Maradona: So you may as well cooperate and issue the call to return to Earth. It makes no difference to you now.

  114 Ambassador One: I do not cooperate with terrorists. I would think you would have deduced that by now.

  115 SOUND: scene transition

  116 SOUND: bells or other religious atmo for a long intro, with footsteps coming up stairs. also put small room reverb on the voices for this scene.

  117 Priest: Welcome to the house of God, mayor.

  118 SOUND: slow footsteps on wood as they walk together

  119 Mayor: Thank you, father. I've brought a sacrifice for the fire.

  120 SOUND: fire fades in

  121 Priest: May your sacrifice help bring peace for us all.

  122 Mayor: [wistfully] If only it could.

  123 SOUND: object cast into fire, burns briefly

  124 Mayor: Father, I need a spark of creative insight. I need a way to avert war and heal our community.

  125 Priest: I can offer the ceremony of spiritual exploration.

  126 Mayor: I gather the ceremonial herb causes visions…

  127 Priest: [surprised] You've never tried it?

  128 Mayor: I've always been trying to keep my thoughts ordered and under control.

  129 Priest: Perhaps it's time to try something new. I can give you a small dose so the effects will wear off quickly.

  130 Mayor: Yes. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'll try it.

  131 Priest: Follow me.

  132 SOUND: their footsteps move to another room. Door open/close. priest pours then boils some water, grinds up a drug into it, pours a cup/bowl behind the following conversation

  133 Priest: I haven't seen you lately, mayor.

  134 Mayor: I've been so busy. It's been a difficult time.

  135 Priest: I've heard. Some life and death decisions. It must be weighing on you.

  136 Mayor: You can't imagine what it's like to watch everything you've worked for unravel so quickly.

  137 Priest: [sympathetically] Worried about losing your job?

  138 Mayor: No, I mean our community, our world. All I've ever worked for was stability, to be a stepping stone to faithfully hand off the mission to the next generation… and now we're on the precipice of chaos, and the end of our mission could come any day.

  139 Priest: You feel responsible.

  140 Mayor: I'm the mayor, of course I'm responsible. I wasn't able to maintain control.

  141 Priest: Sometimes you have to accept that you can't control things, in order to move forward.

  142 Mayor: Well, let's hope surrendering control of my mind for a bit does some good.

  143 Priest: Here, it's ready for you to drink. I'll leave you to your privacy, may your experience be enlightening.

  144 Mayor: Thank you, father.

  145 SOUND: priest walks out, a few clattering sounds from mayor

  146 Mayor: [softly to self] Well, here goes…

  147 SOUND: sound of glugging down beverage and setting down cup/bowl after

  148 SOUND: play some trippy music/effects before we fade into mayor's vision

  149 SOUND: monks chanting

  150 Monk: Stop.

  151 Mayor: Me?

  152 Monk: Yes, you must stop.

  153 Mayor: [worried] Why?

  154 Monk: [authoritatively, solemnly with an edge of menace] A sacrifice is required.

  155 Mayor: [alarmed] What… what kind of sacrifice?

  156 Monk: A *human* sacrifice.

  157 Mayor: [scared] You don't mean…

  158 Monk: Who else would it be?

  159 SOUND: mayor runs away (on dirt/gravel), then falls into hole and screams. Then suddenly things level out and he's walking casually in a corridor on the asteroid.

  160 Mayor: Good morning, Okonkwo.

Did you hear me?

What'd I ever do to you to earn the silent treatment?

  161 SOUND: elevator doors open, mayor enters

  162 Human Computer: Please state your destination.

  163 Mayor: Level one, mayor's office.

  164 SOUND: elevator moves

  165 Mayor: [to self under breath] This just doesn't feel right...

  166 SOUND: elevator stops and opens, noises of passing people, then mayor walks a few paces and walks into closed door with a thud

  167 Human Computer: Access denied.

  168 Mayor: [irritated] I'm the mayor! Override!

  169 Human Computer: Access denied.

  170 Mayor: [angry] On whose authority?

  171 Human Computer: Your access has been revoked by order of the mayor.

  172 Mayor: [exasperated] But *I'm* the mayor!

  173 SOUND: transition out of scene with bed of music

  174 Mayor: [feeling lost] Renata, what do you think I should do?

  175 Renata: You can't carry the weight of the world forever, dad. You're in your sixties now.

  176 Mayor: But what if everything falls apart when I let go?

  177 Renata: We're more resilient than you imagine. You've left a legacy. And you can count on me to step up.

  178 SOUND: transition music

  179 SOUND: engine room

  180 Peters: Good evening, mayor. Don't often see you down here.

  181 Mayor: Thought I'd check on your progress, it's a break from everything else going on.

  182 Peters: I know what you mean, I'm glad to be in here instead of out there today.

  183 Mayor: So how's the primary reactor?

  184 Peters: Back online. I went out and installed the replacement parts earlier today. Sorry I didn't inform you before going topside, I guess that's getting to be a habit.

  185 Mayor: I had other things on my mind.

  186 Peters: Figured. Well, we're getting full power and I don't anticipate any further issues. With your permission, I'd like to start devoting my time to engine design so we can use the new compound to increase our acceleration rate.

  187 Larissa: I can handle the day-to-day maintenance issues.

  188 Mayor: What about the damage to the Centaurian section from yesterday's battle?

  189 Peters: They want to repair that on their own, they've made it clear we're not welcome to help.

  190 Mayor: Very well. I wish you luck with the new engine development.

  191 Larissa: Maybe it'll solve our political problem by letting us visit both Proxima *and* Earth.

  192 Peters: I hope so, unfortunately I can't promise anything and the development process will be years.

  193 Mayor: Something to dream on.

  194 SOUND: awkward silence

  195 Larissa: I have to confess something.

  196 Mayor: What's that, Flint?

  197 Larissa: I was the one who slipped the data cube into communications to draw Ambassador Five away when they attacked. Ahmadi tricked me into thinking it was harmless, but I still broke the rules.

  198 Peters: You couldn't have known what would happen. But *I* could have. Jesús Maradona practically spelled it all out for me and told me to avoid the arboretum. I could've reported it, but I didn't. I have friends on both sides of this, but I wish I'd done all I could to prevent violence.

  199 Mayor: [mellower than usual] We all have our regrets. You both did what you felt was right at the time.

  200 Peters: Maradona's group are just doing what they feel is right, too.

  201 Mayor: Yes. Goodbye Peters, goodbye Flint.

  202 SOUND: mayor walks out, door closes behind him, then transition music

  203 Mayor: [sfx: loudspeaker processing] [emotional, choked up by the end] Citizens! This is your mayor requesting a moment of your time, one last time.

I see each of you as family. I've watched most of you grow up. The entire purpose of my life has been to protect you as best I could, and until recently I felt I was succeeding.

It's with a heavy heart that I've come to the realization that you no longer have faith in my leadership. I cannot allow this situation to continue, where neighbor is turning against neighbor. This situation is *my* failure, and I propose to fix it with my immediate resignation from office.

Our constitution allows a mayor to appoint a replacement, but I feel anyone I appoint would be compromised by that appointment and unable to heal our rift. Our new mayor must be chosen by the people, for the people. I therefore propose an election, in which each citizen has an equal say in the outcome. We'll vote not only on a new mayor, but separately on the big question which splits us: whether to continue our mission or return to Earth.

I beg you to lay down your weapons, release your hostage and allow this election to resolve our differences once and for all.

It's been an honor serving you. Thank you.

  204 SOUND: closing theme

  205 Announcer: You've been listening to Two Fifty-Three Mathilde, episode six - End of an Era. Created, written, produced and directed by Paul Knierim. The mayor was Roger Arnold. Ambassador One is the espeak speech synthesizer. Judge Lee is Rachel Pulliam. Jesús Maradona is Matt Ellis. The priest is David Nagel. Doctor Stone is John Gaunce. Chief Mech Salish Peters is David Loftus. Arash Ahmadi is Paul Knierim. Ambassador Five is the espeak speech synthesizer. Detective Aranya Saetang is Sova Reign. The evil monk was George Worrall. Apprentice Mech Larissa Flint is Lindsay Townsend. Sanders is Erin Suminsby. Emily Aichele and Paul Knierim were in the crowds. The announcer is Erin Suminsby. Sound effects and music courtesy free sound dot org and free p d dot com. Additional music by audionautix dot com. This program is licensed for free reuse and redistribution. Hear more episodes at quietplease dot org slash two fifty-three.

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