Beyond Awakening

Hi, creator/writer/producer/director Paul Knierim here. Beyond Awakening doesn't have any companies or networks behind it, it's just me and the actors. I keep costs as low as I can with public domain or cheaply-licensed music, and donating hundreds of hours of my time. These actors deserve at least something for their time and efforts bringing the show to life, so I paid them a small advance out of my own pocket. Being below the poverty line, I did so in the fervent hope that donations would cover it later.

60% of whatever you donate (after payment processors take their cut) is split among the actors according to their share of the scripts. 40% goes to me for the writing and production. Nothing is wasted. It's as lean an operation as you'll ever find. I hope you'll consider helping me continue to make these shows, and maybe even gather enough money for advertising someday.

If you'd like to make a one time donation, please use Ko-Fi. If you'd like to make regular monthly donations, sign up with Patreon and I'll be able to offer you a bunch of rewards and special insights into production. Thank you for considering.

Ko-Fi Patreon

In the spirit of transparency, donations recieved so far will be listed here and updated frequently. To date, the total is $0.00 -- nothing at all.

Can't afford to help financially? You can help by rating and reviewing Beyond Awakening on all the podcasting apps and websites (Spotify and Apple are the most important). The lack of reviews means algorithms aren't recommending the show to anyone. Word of mouth, by which I mean you suggesting the show to anyone you know who you think might enjoy it, always helps too.

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