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"Quiet Please" Copyright

OTR copyrights were generally done by copyrighting the script. Wyllis Cooper died in 1955, and it's unclear (especially with the many changes in copyright law in the interim) whether the copyrights for Quiet Please could've persisted to today. If such rights survive, they aren't being exercised by anyone. Carl Amari of Radio Spirits Inc, who licenses many series for sale, has said that although he has actively searched for a Quiet Please copyright holder he has been unable to find one to date.

To make a long story short, Quiet Please has most likely lapsed into the public domain but this is not known with any certainty at the moment. If by chance it isn't public domain, it would seem that the copyright holder is either unaware of or uninterested in the fact that they hold the copyright.

If a valid copyright holder does ever turn up, this site will respect their wishes with regard to distribution of the series.

Quiet Originals and Re-Creations

All episodes of Quiet Please Originals and Quiet Please Re-Creations are licensed freely for distribution or broadcast unedited. If a clip is used without the full credits included, verbal attribution to is required. Such a clip shall not be edited for deceptive purposes. Website Copyrights

The old episode MP3s, transcripts and press are presumed public domain which may be used in any way you like. Noise-reduced or otherwise-restored versions of episodes are hereby dedicated to the public domain. Original content, like episode descriptions and story adaptations, are not public domain but are all free to use with the condition of attribution to -- in the form of a linkback to