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Episode #7
Aired 1947-08-03
Length: 28:41
Size: 6.56 MB

William Ross finds himself in a large room surrounded by strange people. He doesn't know where he is, how he got there, or how long he has been there. A man identifying himself as the coroner tells him that it is an inquest, and immediately he remembers the violent struggle with his sister and brother-in-law. Confident, he tells the coroner and the coroner's jury that there's no doubt it was self defense.

It isn't long before Mr. Ross realizes that the inquest is no normal affair. He notices the strange clothing of the jury. He sees that there are millions of people behind the jury, going back as far as he can see. He is forced to stand up and speak to the crowd through a microphone. Having no alternative, William Ross relates the story of how his sister came to hate him and how he hated his sister's husband.

A masterful artistic achievement, "Inquest" stretches and twists reality into previously unknown forms. The final lines are both intensely powerful and deeply mysterious. It is the ambiguity that creates the overwhelmingly powerful question mark.

If you'd like to hear a discussion and analysis of this episode, have a listen to the "Quietly Yours" podcast episode 008- Inquest.

We shall supply you with sound effects as they are necessary, and we even have music to... put you in the mood.
the coroner

This episode has been downloaded 119 times since 2021-02-27.