4 Logs Compared and the results
Four different Quiet Please logs compared side by side - This is a summary of the differences, and my conclusion on which log is the most accurate one.. and why I think so.. However, I'm no expert and welcome those more knowledgeable on the matter to offer their correction or insight..

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Posted Jun 17, 2014 - 8:46 PM:

I'm sure much effort has been put forth by numerous people over the years in compiling of information needed to formulate accurate Quiet Please logs. But the logs don't always agree. I haven't done any real research myself, but I do explore those conclusions of research concerning this series..

I put four Quiet Please logs side by side on one webpage page to make it easier to compare.
You can look at the page here: https://db.tt/G7uSmvqe
(You might have to scroll sideways a little bit, depending on you screen resolution)

The logs compared are:
1. Jerry Haendiges Log.
2. Pauls episode guide
3.Gordon Payton's Log, and
4. The Digital Deli Log

Here is a summary of the results:

Of the logs compared all agree on August 17, 1947, - except for quietplease.org which states August 18th..

The actual script says:
Sunday, August 17, 1947
10:10-10:30 PM EDST (Network)

Monday, August 18, 1947
10:00-10:30 PM EDST (WOR)

So I guess everyone is right..? How does one go about determining which date to use in a log? (Network vs WOR)
Wouldn't it be more accurate to list both?

Episode #15 "THE BIG BOX"
All logs agree on September 15, 1947, except for Gordon Payton who says September 14th.
The original script states:
WOR -10:00-10:30 PM EDST MONDAY SEPT. 15, 1947
Network – 8:30-9:00 PM EDST Wednesday SEPT. 17, 1947

I'm going to jump ahead for a moment to episode #101..

All logs agree on May 21, 1949, except for Quietplease.org stating May 22.
I'm not where to look for specific background information to confirm actual dates, nor found an original script for Oldest Man In the World, but of note, both quietlyyours.webs.com and www.genericradio.com provide a transcript of episode #101: as "In The House Where I Was Born"

Now let me jump back and cover episodes 17 thru 34 in one swipe...

All logs agree on air dates for episodes #17 thru #34..
EXCEPT for the digital Deli which are all two days later.. For his sources of information he cites specific newspapers of that era for each individual episode concerning their air date. Those newspapers include: Wisconsin State Journal, Hutchinson News Herald, Bradford Era, Syracuse Herald Journal, Portsmouth Times, and Morning Herald.

Although I haven't researched to confirm his information, I am inclined to believe it to be valid.. otherwise it would mean either the 1940's newspapers were incorrect about the air dates, or that he fabricated the whole thing out of the blue - Neither of these possibilities seem likely, so I tend to put confidence in his research..

If his research is indeed valid, then that would lean strongly to conclude his log is the most accurate one.
Or so it seems to me.

What is your opinion on this matter?


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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 3:57 AM:

I decided to add one more log to the comparison; The Paley Media Center QP Collection, SO now there are 5 logs to compare side by side, and you can view it in this updated page: https://db.tt/77micWN8

Here's what I noticed concerning the Paley Media Center "Log" in comparison to the rest:

All but 8 of the episode air dates correspond with the logs we commonly go by.
It does not however correspond with the dates suggested by Digital Deli Log which I was leaning towards above as accurate.

The actual sequence of episodes correspond about 98% with the established logs we go by, however almost all of the episode numbers are exactly 2 digits behind our logs. IE: 105 is listed as #103, 104 as #102, 103 as #101, etc.

Other than that, there are 3 oddball episode numbers:
#106: NOTHING BEHIND THE DOOR (1947-06-08) (RADIO) (RB:1461-T)
#105: INQUEST (RADIO) (August 03, 1947)
BRING ME TO LIFE {SHOW #005} (RADIO) (August 10, 1947)

I haven't formulated a conclusion as to why almost all the episodes are exactly 2 digits prior.. but I keep toying with the idea that it somehow holds a key to Cooper's announcement of a total of 107 episodes.. I think there may have been repeats which we are unaware of, and the key lies somehow in the alternate dates marked on 8 of the original disc..

I'm going to throw some armchair speculation out, because I don't think we can just disregard the dates, because they must mean something.

These are the 8 episodes with different dates than our own logs
(presumably as marked on the original transcription disc in the museum)

..as opposed to the 22nd as common logs suggest.
Armchair Speculation:
Lets say after it aired on the 22nd, it was rebroadcast 4 days later locally on the 26th.. Isn't this exactly the same thing as what was done with Ribbon at Lincoln Green?

Armchair Speculation:
After the 4th episode on June 29, there's no record of Quiet Please airing again until July 20th.. Are we absolutely certain? Isn't it conceivable that 4 or 5 days after episode 4 that they might of aired "Cornelia" on July 3?. locally? I can find no record of when Cornelia was rehearsed or recorded. What was going on during that 3 weeks between 6/29 and 7/20?.. Are we certain there wasn't any airing at all?

Armchair Speculation:
Now this one is really odd, as it falls a few weeks before the series even began.. But certainly Cooper must have already had spokes turning knowing that the show would debut in a couple short weeks, perhaps it was a matter of per-preparation? The idea is not really that much of a stretch. Maybe there was a pre-airing. Or it could be that it was just a mislabeled disc.

#027: BERLIN 1945 (1947-12-26) (RADIO) (RB:1485-T) (December 26, 1947)
Armchair Speculation:
This one is dated 3 days before our common logged air date of of 12/29, however the original script says it was aired Christmas Eve and before: .. Perhaps they also aired it on the 26th too, the day after Christmas. Seems conceivable to me.
WOR - Mon. Dec. 22, 1947 - 10:00-10:25 PM EST
MBS - Wed. Dec. 24, 1947 - 8:30- 8:55 PM EST
REH - Mon. Dec. 24, 1947 - 2:00- 5:00 PM EST (Studio 16)
8:00-10:00 PM EST (Studio 15)

#056: THE MAN WHO STOLE THE PLANET (RADIO) (July 06, 1948)
Armchair Speculation:
Our common logs show 7/26, so does the original script http://www.quietlyyours.webs.com/57.htm
My guess? The disc actually is labeled the 26th, but the perhaps the "2" was hand written quickly resulting with a big loop, and it looked like an "0" to whoever at the Paley museum that documented this record online, or maybe the "2" was just worn off. (best guess).

#059: PRESTO, CHANGO, I'M SURE (RADIO) (August 06, 1948)
Armchair Speculation:
Hmmm.. 10 days before our logs say, and 3 days before "Fourable Board", and 4 days after "It's later than you think".. I dunno.

#074: MY SON JOHN (1948-11-26) (RADIO) (RB:1450-T) (November 26, 1948)
2 days prior than what our logs say, again, I dont know, either the logs or the dates on the disc are wrong - or they are both right and there's something not being considered.

And Lastly..

#084: TAP THE HEAT, BAGDAN (RADIO) (February 06, 1948)
Exactly 1 year off. Must be a mistype.

Whatever it is, the dates must refer to something, it's physical evidence from the 1940's.. What does it mean?

Before I conclude, just want to mention I noticed the following episode title curiosities in the catalog:

JACK ROSALEN --instead of Dark Rosaleen
THE SMELL OF HIGH WINDS --instead of The Smell of High Wines
THE VALE OF GLENCAE -- as opposed ot The Vale of Glen Coe, and
THE LITTLE MORNINGS --instead of The Little Morning
THE TIME OF THE BIG SHOW instead of Snow
WHENCE YOU CAME? instead of Whence Came You
NOT ENOUGH instead of Not Enough Time
TAP THE HEAT, BAGDAN instead of Bogdan
ONE FOR THE BOOKS instead of Book
3000 WARDS instead of Words

I suppose it could be argued the mis-titled episodes in their log can be an indication that the dates they provide may also have been mis-copied in the Paley catalog

As for the 16 of titles not listed,
they probably can be found in this unspecified collection:

QUIET, PLEASE! {REEL 12} {SHOWS #76 - #84} (RADIO) ()
QUIET, PLEASE! {REEL 14} {SHOWS #92 - #98} (RADIO) ()
QUIET, PLEASE! (RADIO)(1947/06/xx)
QUIET PLEASE! (RADIO) (1947/07/xx)

Ok, I'm done!
Hope to hear some opinions

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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 1:31 PM:

There is also a log here:


And here is the list of scripts at the Library of American Broadcasting in Maryland -- verbatim from their own text file:

Quiet, Please Cornelia 7/20/1947
Quiet, Please How Are You, Pal? (Audition Script)
Quiet, Please Nothing Behind the Door 6/8/1947
Quiet, Please I Have Been Looking For You 7/20/1947
Quiet, Please The Ticket Taker 6/29/1947
Quiet, Please I Remember Tomorrow 7/27/1947
Quiet, Please Inquest 8/3/1947
Quiet, Please Bring Me to Life 8/10/1947
Quiet, Please A Mile High and a Mile Deep 8/17/1947
Quiet, Please Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall 8/24/1947
Quiet, Please Ribbon of Lincoln's Green 8/31/1947
Quiet, Please Three Sides to a Story 9/7/1947
Quiet, Please How Are You, Pal? 9/10/1947
Quiet, Please The Big Box 9/15/1947
Quiet, Please The Low Road 10/1/1947
Quiet, Please Not Enough Time 10/8/1947
Quiet, Please Camera Obscura 10/15/1947
Quiet, Please La Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin 10/22/1947
Quiet, Please Don't Tell Me About Halloween 10/29/1947
Quiet, Please Take Me Out to the Graveyard 11/5/1947
Quiet, Please 3 11/12/1947
Quiet, Please Be a Good Dog Darling 9/22/1947
Quiet, Please Kill Me Again 11/19/1947
Quiet, Please IN Memory of Bernardine 11/26/1947
Quiet, Please Come In, Eddie 12/3/1947
Quiet, Please Some People Don't Die 12/10/1947
Quiet, Please Little Fellow 12/17/1947
Quiet, Please Berlin, 1945 12/24/1947
Quiet, Please Rain on New Year's Eve* 12/31/1947
Quiet, Please Little Visitor 1/7/1948
Quiet, Please The Room Where the Ghosts Lived 1/14/1948
Quiet, Please Baker's Dozen 1/21/1948
Quiet, Please Green Light 1/28/1948
Quiet, Please The Pathetic Fallacy 2/2/1948
Quiet, Please A Red and White Guidon 2/9/1948
Quiet, Please Whence Came You 2/16/1948
Quiet, Please Wear the Dead Man's Coat 2/23/1948
Quiet, Please Sketch for a Screenplay 3/1/1948
Quiet, Please Never Send to Know 3/8/1948
Quiet, Please Meeting at Ticonderoga 3/15/1948
Quiet, Please A Night to Forget 3/22/1948
Quiet, Please Quiet, Please! 3/29/1948
Quiet, Please I Always Marry Juliet 4/5/1948
Quiet, Please Twelve to Five 4/12/1948
Quiet, Please Clarissa 4/19/1948
Quiet, Please Thirteen and Eight 4/26/1948
Quiet, Please How Beautiful Upon the Mountain 5/3/1948
Quiet, Please There Are Shadows Here 5/10/1948
Gem of Purest Ray 5/17/1948
Quiet, Please In the House Where I Was Born 5/24/1948
Quiet, Please Below Fifth Avenue 5/31/1948
Quiet, Please We Were Here First 6/22/1947
Quiet, Please Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall

Quiet, Please Dialogue For A Tragedy 4/10/1949
Quiet, Please One Hundred Thousand Diameters 6/7/1948
Quiet, Please Not Responsible After Thirty Years 6/14/1948
Quiet, Please Let the Lilies Consider 6/28/1948
Quiet, Please Vahine Tahini 7/5/1948
Quiet, Please As Long As I Live 7/19/1948
Quiet, Please The Man Who Stole the Planet 7/26/1948
Quiet, Please It Is Later Than You Think 8/2/1948
Quiet, Please The Thing On the Fourble-Board 8/9/1948
Quiet, Please Presto Chango, I'm Sure 8/16/1948

Quiet, Please Three Thousand Words 8/23/1948
Quiet, Please Motive 8/30/1948
Quiet, Please The Third Man's Story 9/6/1948
Quiet, Please Symphony In D Minor 9/13/1948
Quiet, Please Anonymous 9/19/1948
Quiet, Please Light the Lamp For Me 9/26/1948
Quiet, Please Meet John Smith, John 10/3/1948
Quiet, Please Beezer's Cellar 10/10/1948
Quiet, Please And Jeannie Dreams of Me 10/17/1948
Quiet, Please Good Ghost 10/24/1948
Quiet, Please Calling All Souls 10/31/1948
Quiet, Please Adam and the Darkest Day 11/7/1948
Quiet, Please The Evening and the Morning 11/14/1948
Quiet, Please One For the Book 11/21/1948
Quiet, Please My Son John 11/28/1948
Quiet, Please Very Important Person 12/5/1948
Quiet, Please Rede Me This Riddle 12/12/1948
Quiet, Please The Gothic Tale 12/19/1948
Quiet Please Berlin, 1945 12/26/1948
Quiet, Please The Time of the Big Snow 1/2/1949
Quiet, Please Portrait of a Character 1/9/1949
Quiet, Please In This Murder? 1/16/1949
Quiet, Please Summer Goodbye 1/23/1949
Quiet, Please Northern Lights 1/30/1949
Quiet, Please Tap the Heat, Bogdan 2/6/1949
Quiet, Please Valentine? 2/13/1949
Quiet, Please Where Do You Get Your Ideas? 2/20/1949
Quiet, Please If I Should Wake Before I Die 2/27/1949
Quiet, Please The Man Who Knew Everything 3/6/1949
Quiet, Please Dork Rosaleen 3/13/1949
Quiet, Please The Smell of High Wines 3/20/2949
Quiet, Please A Time to Be Born, And A Time to Die 3/27/1949
Quiet, Please The Venetian Blind Man 4/3/1949
Quiet, Please Shadow of the Wings 4/17/1949
Quiet, Please The Vale of Glencoe 4/24/1949
Quiet, Please Dark Grey Magic 5/1/1949
Quiet, Please Other Side of the Stars 5/8/1949
Quiet, Please The Little Mornings 5/15/1949
Quiet, Please The Oldest Man in the World 5/21/1949
Quiet, Please In the House Where I Was Born 5/28/1949
Quiet, Please Tanglefoot 6/4/1949
Quiet, Please The Hat, The Bed, And John J. Catherine 6/11/1949
Quiet, Please Pavane 6/18/1949
Quiet, Please Quiet, Please 6/25/1949

Notice that there's only 105 scripts in the list, not counting the audition script and "Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall," which is listed twice, but once without a date, probably in error. The dates used seem to be for the network broadcasts, rather than the ones done locally for New York.

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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 4:40 PM:

"And here is the list of scripts at the Library of American Broadcasting in Maryland -- verbatim from their own text file:""

MS, how did you find that?.. I went to the Library of American Broadcasting website and to their linking database sites, and searched and browsed and also categorized searches and alphabetically listing and every other method available .. I can't find it!
What am I doing wrong?
Can you provide a direct link?

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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 5:56 PM:

MS, in a recent thread you had mentioned the following...

"Actually, Chappell's discs are now with the Paley Center for Media. Tapes were made of the discs [at the University of Florida] before they ended up at Paley, but, according to one of the old time radio collectors involved, the discs weren't cleaned prior to the taping. Hence, the poor audio on many of the circulating episodes..."

Well, the implications of what you said just hit me.
This kind of confuses me, because I thought the original disc had been donated directly to Paley museum by Chappells widow.. and somehow during that process J. Goldwin had acquired tape copies of the disc, which years later ended up in the hands of Radio Spirits - which left me to believe them to possess the only first generation tapes in existence.. (other then Paley).
But if what you point out is correct, then this isn't the case.

Does this not mean that the John Aston collection is also a first generation copy of the series?
Still, I suspect Radio Spirits collection would be better since it was Goldwin who had made the transfers instead of some college kid working in the library!, but besides the point since they continue to keep it tucked away out of the publics hands.

But again, I thought Chappells widow donated directly to the museum.. How is it they were ever at the Florida Uninversity to begin with?
Also, since the disc were recorded before ever reaching Paley, and those recordings are the base source of the circulating copies, why is it we are lacking two of the episodes which Paley has (5th and Diameters)?
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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 8:10 PM:

As far as I know, the LAB's list of QP scripts isn't on their website. Apparently, if you email and request it, they'll send a copy.

Goldin wasn't involved in taping the bulk of the circulating episodes (as Zorka pointed out in a post a few years ago: www.quietplease.org/forum/c...293&findpost=1333#post1333 ): "he was not involved in the discovery of the episodes of QP that popped up 8-10 years ago - those mostly came from the estate of Ernest Chappell."

In other words, Goldin had copies of the few episodes that were circulating in the 1970s and '80s, but the remainder seem to have come from the University of Florida taping.

Apparently, the Chappell estate had donated the discs to the college, but then the Paley Center (or its precursor) made a later deal to acquire them.

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Posted Jun 18, 2014 - 9:45 PM:

I guess I have the whole story wrong then.. That clears confusion on a few other things I didn't understand as well. I'll need to edit my blog post to reflect this information.. However the next paragraph of your quote above goes on to say:
"..But Goldin did have his own copies of things; had the influence to usually get copies of those types of discoveries at the time; and also had very detailed radio log books of much of the material."

So that statement above strongly indicates that although he was not instrumental in the actual discovery, he was still directly involved, and enabled to acquire copy of the entire collection at the time of the discovery. This thus making his collection much more than the 12 in circulation at the time some 40 years ago, how else could he have been able to produce very detailed logs as described above?

Anyway, I thought the only existing original source material was Chappells own collection, I didn't realize ABC still had any remaining material.

But that does answer a previous question on how and from where the original 12 ever came to surface.

Thanks for the clarifications MS
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