"Big Picture" is listed as an episode of Quiet Please which aired on 6/18/49, the same day that some list Pavanne, the Girl with the Flaxen Hair repeat. Now what is funny is that I have listed this episode as one I have on audio tape although I cannot find it. Is this an alternate title? Does it truly exist? Please help me!
Found the answer! Big Picture is (apparently) an alternate title for Pavanne. Haven't heard the episode for a while so I am not sure why, but I did find my original source log and it acyually says "aka : Big Picture".
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"Big Picture" is listed as an episode of Quiet Please which aired on 6/18/49, the same day that some list Pavanne, the Girl with the Flaxen Hair repeat. Now what is funny is that I have listed this episode as one I have on audio tape although I cannot find it. Is this an alternate title? Does it truly exist? Please help me!
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Where is that listed? I've never seen "Big Picture" in an episode log.
Now what is funny is that I have listed this episode as one I have on audio tape although I cannot find it.
Can you describe the plot?
Usergroup: Member
Joined: Mar 04, 2006
Total Topics: 2
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Found the answer! Big Picture is (apparently) an alternate title for Pavanne. Haven't heard the episode for a while so I am not sure why, but I did find my original source log and it acyually says "aka : Big Picture".