Cleaning Up Audio On Quiet, Please.

Comments on Cleaning Up Audio On Quiet, Please.

Drunken Mozart
Avatar Drunken Mozart
Posted May 05, 2002 - 10:54 PM:

Many of the episodes are so scratchy (presumably they were recorded from vinyl) they are unlistenable. As a computer musician I know that there are plenty of audio software programs out there to clean up scratches, clicks, pops, hiss and hum from old recordings. These shows are among my favorites and I'm amazed and disappointed that nobody has attempted to clean them up, digitally. If I have to clean them up myself I will post the results on my website. Then people might actually be able to listen to the episodes instead of "tschuck, tschuck, tschuck"!
Drunken Mozart
Avatar Drunken Mozart
Posted May 05, 2002 - 11:28 PM:

Not to underestimate or undervalue your efforts in putting this site and its contents together. "Quiet, Please" is the only OTR show that exhibits consistently poor or unlistenable audio quality no matter what source I find. That fact really breaks my heart because I love this radio show above all others. Thanks for the chance to take this raw material and process it. The only downside is that it will have to take a backseat to my music creation process. Thanks, again!
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Posted May 06, 2002 - 9:08 PM:

If you can clean up some of the episodes, that'd be great. I don't have any experience in the area, I attempted once with a shareware program and the file just became quieter and even more unlistenable. grin Some of the episodes I think the audio is just gone, but I'm sure there are a lot of areas that someone who knows what they're doing and has the time could clean up.
Avatar kzod
Posted Dec 17, 2004 - 6:25 PM:

so, did you ever clean any up Drunken?
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Posted Dec 18, 2004 - 5:17 AM:

He did for a few, and they were listed in another old thread I can't seem to find at the moment.
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