
Comments on Scripts

Fourble Board
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Posted Apr 20, 2002 - 10:14 PM:

Hiya. I plan to post here scripts of Quiet, Please shows to suppiliment your listening in the following days. I'll probably start with \"Nothing Behind the Door\"
Thanks, Paul, for the mp3's and the site and everything.
Fourble Board
Avatar Fourble Board
Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 1:07 PM:

I don't know what the matter is about my post being blank....
Anyway what I was saying was that I plan to post scripts of Quiet, Please shows starting with "Nothing Behind the Door" I hopefully will start posting them today or tommorrow.
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Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:00 PM:

I'm not sure why nothing is showing up here, but I think it migt be that your username is too long for the forum to handle. Could you try re-registering with a shorter username? Anyhow, the posts show up in the post history when I reply, so I'll quote it here:

Originally posted by The Thing on the Fourble Board
Hiya. I plan to post here scripts of Quiet, Please shows to suppiliment your listening in the following days. I'll probably start with \"Nothing Behind the Door\"
Thanks, Paul, for the mp3's and the site and everything.

Thanks... do you have any of the scripts of the lost episodes (the ones where the audio no longer exists)? That'd be great if there were a chance to read them.

Edit: I got the posts to show up by shortening the name.
Avatar Fourble_Boarder
Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:19 PM:

I don't have any missing episode scripts...
I really don't have any (scripts), I was just planning to listen to existing shows and write down the dialog, I think I'll just do the ones that are hard to understand. I'll skip "Nothing Behind the Door" as it seems to be one of the better sound quality episodes...
Think of a real bad sound quality episode and I'll try to do it. I wonder if the "Quiet Please!" book in the article you posted to other day exists anymore if it ever did...
I think I'll do some research about that...
Avatar Fourble_Boarder
Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:21 PM:

I just noticed your edit update...
I'll just stick with my new "Fourble_Boarder".
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Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:30 PM:

Trying to write scripts by ear is quite a task. So far, I know two episodes have been done that way... The Thing on the Fourble Board and Whence Came You?.

The scripts to every episode, including the missing ones except for "Retreat at Dunquerke", supposedly exist on display somewhere on the east coast... I think it was the University of Maryland?

If the book existed, I'd buy it in an instant... but so far as I can tell it's not available anywhere, if it was even published.

"I Have Been Looking for You" is an episode I really like but have a hard time understanding the audio of. I tried doing a script for that a few months back, starting in the middle, but quickly found it too much work and I just couldn't make it all out no matter how hard I tried. Here's the amount I got, which is just a section from the middle of the episode... note that I couldn't even figure out the names of the characters, since it wasn't said anywhere:

Ernest Chappell: I close the door, and shut the city out. I was afraid to sleep. I was afraid of the dream. The dream that came so often. An empty room... dark, high walls. A little flight of stairs leading to an open door. And beyond the door, dazzling, [?] and silent. The light draws me to the flight of steps and the open door. My voice echos in the silence of the gloomy room. "Where are you, love? Where are you?!"

Claudia Morgan: "I'm here, love"

Ernest Chappell: You are there beyond the door, in the room where the light shines. Your shadow falls across the flight of steps. You are only twenty paces away. I move toward the door. Once, two, three.. and [uninteligable]. Your voice.

Claudia Morgan: "Come to me, love."

Ernest Chappell: Is that a hand on my shoulder? I turn to see. The room is empty. Another step. I can go no farther, I struggle but there is something that holds me back, and a voice that whispers in my ear.

Disembodied voice: "Not yet, not yet."

Ernest Chappell: I fight against the force that holds me, but I cannot move. What is beyond the door where the light is? Do you wait for me? Why cannot I reach you, love?

Claudia Morgan: "[uninteligable], come to me love."

Ernest Chappell: I cannot move. I call to you: "Help me! Come to me!"

Claudia Morgan: "Come to me!"

Ernest Chappell: Then with the sound of a great [gong?] in my ears, I awake trembling... and you are gone. I lie awake until the gray dawn crawls through the window.

Claudia Morgan: The dream came to me last night. The great bright room. The light that dazzled my eyes. And I cannot move. The door that leads... to darkness. And footsteps beyond the door in the dark. I'm frightened, until I hear your voice.

Ernest Chappell: "Where are you, love?"

Claudia Morgan: And I answer. And then I know your footsteps, coming to me from the darkness as [unintelligable]. But the footsteps end... and the light burns my eyelids. And the [great gong?] came.

Ernest Chappell: My hand was on the very [?] of the door, and the radiance of the light within struck my eyes and blinded me. And again I awoke, trembling.
Avatar Fourble_Boarder
Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:41 PM:

I take whack at "I Have Been Looking for You"
Thanks for the head start for it...
I wonder if University of Maryland has a website? Most colleges and such have websites nowadays.
I'll go look.
Avatar Fourble_Boarder
Posted Apr 21, 2002 - 6:47 PM:

Look at this link and find "Quiet, Please" in the list.
It says there that there are !106! scripts!!
If someone lives in Maryland, speak up!!!
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Posted Jun 02, 2002 - 12:52 PM:

You might want to check out this link. It's for an otr website, and the owner colects rare scripts. According to this page he has scripts for all episodes of Quiet Please, including the lost episodes, for sale at $10.00 apiece. Kudos on the page by the way, it's one of my favorites.
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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jun 30, 2002 - 12:38 AM:

I wish I were even remotely close to being able to afford $1000+ for all the scripts. I'm just an unemployed student... $10 for each script would mean I could buy about 2 or 3 max.
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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jul 15, 2002 - 10:05 PM:

I wish someone could post the script for "The TIcket Taker".As hard as I have tried,I just can not make out enough of the dialogue to keep track of the plot.
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