Please note: it'll take a while to get the "episodes" section completed. For now it's partially there. There will also be minor design changes to the entire site.
Finally, the site is switching over to being database driven... as we also approach a complete archive of episodes. You won't really see most of the benefit, since most of the benefit is in how easy it makes it for me... but instead of 120 or so HTML files to edit by hand, there will just be 3 PHP files with all the text stored in the database. If I had to edit 120 HTML files I wouldn't be able to do any kind of redesign like changing the navigation menu, but the new system makes it easy. I'll also be using CSS to make the font styles more uniform, but that won't be for a few more days.
The main thing you'll notice is the "listen" page. It'll have an episode of the day, moving in production order. To get to all the episodes when it's not their day to be featured, you'll just click "episodes" on the menu. This will be much like the "log" section was.
Just want to let everyone know I'm here, but can't do anything about the episodes not yet uploaded at the moment. I'm out of space, so I have nowhere to upload the MP3s, and although I hope to have space within a month I really can't be sure.
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Joined: Dec 21, 2001
Location: Northern California
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Please note: it'll take a while to get the "episodes" section completed. For now it's partially there. There will also be minor design changes to the entire site.
Finally, the site is switching over to being database driven... as we also approach a complete archive of episodes. You won't really see most of the benefit, since most of the benefit is in how easy it makes it for me... but instead of 120 or so HTML files to edit by hand, there will just be 3 PHP files with all the text stored in the database. If I had to edit 120 HTML files I wouldn't be able to do any kind of redesign like changing the navigation menu, but the new system makes it easy. I'll also be using CSS to make the font styles more uniform, but that won't be for a few more days.
The main thing you'll notice is the "listen" page. It'll have an episode of the day, moving in production order. To get to all the episodes when it's not their day to be featured, you'll just click "episodes" on the menu. This will be much like the "log" section was.
Senior Member
Usergroup: Webmaster
Joined: Dec 21, 2001
Location: Northern California
Total Topics: 39
Total Comments: 277
Just want to let everyone know I'm here, but can't do anything about the episodes not yet uploaded at the moment. I'm out of space, so I have nowhere to upload the MP3s, and although I hope to have space within a month I really can't be sure.