
Title Welcome!
Description new forum, new host
Message Text Revamp.net said they were shutting down on 12/31 or shortly after, but it seems they shut down early, because I can't get to the old discussion forum. So unfortunately it looks like all the old posts (not that there were too many) are lost. sad

Many thanks to yupapa.com for hosting this site free without ads. Also thanks to Host.sk, which is what I'm using to store media files, at least for now -- the downloads are slow, I know, but there aren't many places willing to host large files that eat up about 7 gigabytes of bandwidth per month like the files here do.

Anyhow, welcome to the new forum. It's really a little more complicated that is needed for a small site like this, but it's free and it gets the job done. Please register yourself a username, and feel free to post your thoughts. smiling face
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Submission Date Sep 09, 2004