QP episodes that stand up today?

Title QP episodes that stand up today?
Message Text Hiya, folks. I was introduced to \"Quiet, Please\" via a friend, who sent me a link to the script of \"The Thing on the Fourble Board.\" I thought it was terrific - a standard \"there's some THING lurking in the shadows\" plot shored up with great characterizations, and a truly surprising ending that piles perversity on top of horror.

I've now read about 2/3 of the scripts at http://www.geocities.com/emruf6/, and listened to a couple of the MP3s that are still up, and haven't found anything else that comes close. Oh, the writing is excellent, the characters are usually superb... but the stories, while innovative for the 1940s, usually just make me shrug and think, \"Hmph, I've seen something like that before.\" They don't stand up on all fronts the way \"Fourble\" does.

\"Whence Came You\" was a near miss for me - the problem with the ending being, we're supposed to buy that he's having a crisis of conscience, I suppose - I freed you, now you are obligated to free me. But it's pretty obvious she lured him there and trapped him in the first place. It's also obvious that she's actually a bloodthirsty ancient goddess. And there's light ahead - he CAN get out. So... what's the problem, then?

Other strong entires that ultimately dissapointed were \"Tap the Heat, Bogdan\" and \"Wear the Dead Man's Coat\" - again, simply because I felt I'd seen stories like those before, not because they were actually bad per se.

\"Shadow of the Wings\" gave me a lot of hope, at first - it was so moving, and so effective, and makes such a nice contrast with \"Fourble\" (going for the heart rather than the screaming meemies)... but I just can't buy the ending. The play seemed so strongly to be about the inevitability and inescapability of death, that when it made a hard right turn in its last seconds into being an Easter story of resurrection, it seemed to come out of nowhere. (And it isn't even done well. Mom just says \"Remember!\" and Azrael knows *exactly* what she's talking about... ?) The ending was a surprise, but for just this once I *wanted* the ending to be predictable, as it seemed the only possible honest ending, and the inevitability of it combined with the richly sympathetic characters of Carol Sue and her mother would have made it heart-rendingly poignant.

Any recommendations? Or do y'all think I'm just WAY too hard to please? smiling face

--Corey K.
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Submission Date Jan 16, 2004