Title | Ernest Chappell in Syracuse |
Message Text | [Starting February 10, 1925, Ernest Chappell was the announcer and director for the first radio station in Syracuse, New York. The station, which began broadcasting on November 19, 1924, was WFBL ("FBL" apparently stood for "First Broadcast License"). There are quite a few mentions of "Chap" in the The Syracuse Herald, and in November '25 he was asked to write a daily column for the newspaper's radio page. The column (entitled "Riding the Waves With Chap," sometimes shortened to "Riding the Waves") was basically propaganda for the broadcasting industry in general and the local station in particular. It covered virtually all aspects of radio, discussing everything from technical and creative topics to the larger issues of the day (one May '26 column is devoted entirely to the Federal Trade Commission's investigation into radio monopoly practices). Many of the items are clearly lifted from wire services or other sources (sometimes the Herald's other regular radio writer -- whose pen name was "Ray Dayo" -- would accidentally use the same item on the same day, word for word) but much was obviously written by Chappell himself. So, if anybody's interested, here is a bunch of material from the Herald: a February '26 profile of Chappell; a selection of Chappell-related stories from the first week of October '25; a November '25 article announcing the start of his column; and excerpts from the first few weeks of the column itself.] ________________________ [Sunday February 7, 1926] Radio Announcer's Job Not So Soft, Day Spent With Chap, WFBL, Shows He's Up Early and He's There Late, Answering Questions, Arranging Programs and Broadcasting to Fans. By RAY DAYO. The other fellow's job is always the best, and where is the youth who, at one time or another, has not cherished the hope of some day being a radio announcer? It's a soft job standing there in front of the mike perhaps four or five hours a day, thrilling thousands of admirers -- male and female -- mostly female -- and telling the entertainers just what they are to do next; So they say. But does Ernest E. (Chap) Chappell think so? Not while he's conscious. Chap's 20 or 30 hours a week at the microphone are incidental in his role as WFBL's announcer and director. Just to see what he does to earn his daily bread, let's stick with him for a day. Opens Up at 9. He opens the studio shortly after 9 o'clock, and before taking off his hat and coat he answers the telephone that probably has been ringing for an hour. Someone wants to know if there is an afternoon program today. "Yes, sir; at 3 o'clock." The man who is accused of having moss on the soles of his shoes takes off his coat, but before he can reach for his overshoes the telephone bell rings again. The conversation will run something like this: "Mr. Chappell?" "Yes." "I sang at the fish peddlers' reunion last night, and all my friends say I have a wonderful voice -- that I ought to sing over the radio. Do you think you could find a place on your program for me?" "Well, let me see. I haven't an open hour this week, but if you come to the studio some afternoon I will be glad to listen to you in a few numbers." "Thank you. Good-bye." He Gets Mash Notes. Chap has no sooner settled at his desk when the door opens, and in comes a boy with a basket full -- sometimes two baskets full -- of mash notes. And when it comes to mash notes, Rudolph Valentino isn't in it with this boy Chappell. Well, the letters have to be opened, because sometimes they are not all mash notes. One or two happen to contain words of praise for last night's program. These are the ones that warm Chap's heart. His one big wish is that he will get more of them. Just to satisfy the curiosity of the senders of those love missives, we'll say that Chap reads them -- every last one of them. He has a drawer full now, and if ever he runs short of a program he says he might read a few. It will be a great entertainment. Chap has a map of the United States on the wall of the studio, and when he gets a letter from a distant listener he sticks a thumb tack in the city. He's mighty proud of this map. It's black with tacks now. Selecting and arranging programs is Chap's big job. If he makes one, he makes a hundred calls a day, telephone and personal. And as many persons go to the studio to offer their talent. Some are worth engaging, but weeding them out is a task that requires a lot of tact. And the studio on the eleventh floor of the Onondaga is the most popular information bureau in the city. The question[s] that Chap is asked to answer would provide another day of entertainment. Here are a few samples: Will you please tell me how much baking powder I should put in a sponge cake? What should I do for a baby that coughs all night? How old was General Grant when he became president? Is it going to be a good night for reception? To settle a bet, how long has the Soldiers and Sailors Monument been in Clinton Square? And there are hundreds more. Chap would have to carry an encyclopedia or two to answer all of them. It's a Tough Job. Going back to program picking, it was five minutes to three one afternoon a week or two ago, and there was no afternoon program in sight. Chap was frantically making telephone calls when two young chaps strolled sheepishly into the studio; and one of them started in the usual way, "We sang--" "Can you sing?" Chap yelled. "Never mind the pedigree. I'll take your word for it. Stand over there." Many a program has been arranged at a moment's notice, but they sound no different to the fans. Sometimes you may have noticed that Chap was late in getting on the air. The fact is he thought he was on the air promptly, but, having forgotten to adjust the switch, the only listeners were the entertainers and Chap himself. One Sunday afternoon, during the WGY hour, the orchestra played a whole number before Charles F. Phillips, in the operating room, asked Chap when he was going to start. And so it goes. Chap has mighty few evenings to himself. WFBL is on the air every night in the week and the announcer has to be there on the spot for all programs. No, boys, directing a broadcasting station isn't all honey and roses. ________________________ [Thursday October 1, 1925 article about the Second Annual Herald Radio Exposition at the New York State Armory] ... Tomorrow will be WFBL day, and Ernest "Chap" Chappell and his galaxy of entertaining musicians will be on the air from the Armory at the usual hours. "Howdie" to Play. Bob Aldrich's orchestra will be on hand and with it will be Frank "Howdie" Rich, who will be formally introduced to local wireless fans as one of the best banjo players that ever stepped in front of a microphone. He has been broadcasting for nearly five years from stations all over the country. He has just matriculated at Syracuse University and will be a permanent fixture with the Syracuse orchestra. Chap declared this morning that it was the happiest moment of his life when "Howdie" promised to be on hand for WFBL night. And then there will be Edith Bacon, accomplished violinist; the Dreamy Serenaders; Jackie Shannon, Syracuse's boy wonder pianist and the Liberty Male Quartet. ________________________ [Friday October 2, 1925] CHAP TO BE IN STADIUM FOR GAME TOMORROW Local Announcer to Broadcast Play by Play Account of Game. By RAY DAYO. Football fans! Tune in on WFBL at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon if you want to get in on a real gridiron thrill at home. Ernest "Chap" Chappell and his microphone are going to be in the press box at Archbold Stadium to watch the Mountaineers of Vermont try to stop Pete Reynolds' new Orange machine. Assisting Chap will be enough messenger boys and reporters to keep the backs plunging and ripping, and the linesmen tackling and bucking right in your radio den. Chap has carried a pigskin in his time, and he knows about as much about the game as he does about broadcasting, and that's a lot. ________________________ [Monday October 5, 1925] Arrangements Complete for World Series From WFBL Herald and Associated Press to Provide "Chap" With Quick Returns. Arrangements for the broadcasting of the World Series by The Herald and the Associated Press through WFBL were completed today, and Ernest "Chap" Chappell will call off the umpire's "play ball" in the first game at Pittsburg, starting at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The plan to put the championship series on the air from the local station was made possible through the efforts of the Herald, and a special Associated Press wire has been established between the newspaper office and the Onondaga Hotel. Chap will be on hand for every game of the series, and he will be assisted by a special corps of reporters and Associated Press operators. Local fans are assured of getting almost instantaneous returns on the games. Within a few seconds of the last play of each game, baseball extras of The Herald, containing complete radio reports, will be on the street. ________________________ [Monday October 5, 1925] WFBL ARTISTS TO BROADCAST FROM WINDOW Hunter's Scene of Novel Stunt Tomorrow and Wednesday. by RAY DAYO Ernest "Chap" Chappell and his WFBL entertainers will broadcast afternoon programs from the display window of Hunter's department store at East Fayette and South Salina Streets tomorrow and Wednesday. The opening program of the novel stunt was put on the air at 2 o'clock this afternoon and the two remaining broadcasts will be broadcast at the same hour. The artists will be in full view of the people in the street, and an amplifying system will enable those on the outside to hear the music. Howdie Rich, Syracuse University's banjo picker, who made such a hit with local fans at The Herald's radio show, and Jackie Shannon, youthful singer and pianist, will be in the window tomorrow afternoon. The Dreamy Serenaders will do the broadcasting Wednesday. ________________________ [Wednesday October 7, 1925] WFBL Giving Fans Quick A.P. Account of World Series Radio-baseball fans of Syracuse! Don't fail to get in on WFBL's play-by-play account of the World Series, beginning today and continuing until either Washington or Pittsburg has won four games. The Herald and Associated Press have established a special wire between the newspaper office and the Onondaga, and Ernest "Chap" Chappell, always ready to accommodate his radio audience, has consented to do the announcing during the entire series. The games begin promptly at 2 o'clock. ________________________ [Thursday October 8, 1925] PROGRAM AT SANATORIUM. Ernest E. Chappell and his WFBL broadcasters will entertain the patients at Onondaga Sanatorium tonight. The program will include selections by Howdie Rich, Syracuse University banjo player; Jackie Shannon, singer and pianist, and Bob Aldrich, orchestra leader. ________________________ [Sunday November 8, 1925] Ernest E. Chappell to Write Special Radio Articles for The Herald WFBL Announcer Joins Newspaper Staff and Will Have Daily Column of News and Information No Fan Should Miss. By RAY DAYO. Radio fans of Syracuse! Here's the best bit of news you have heard in a long, long time. Ernest E. "Chap" Chappell, WFBL's youthful and popular announcer, has joined the radio staff of The Herald. It takes a brick layer to build a brick house, and a carpenter to lay a hardwood floor; and it takes a seasoned radio announcer to tell all that is to be told in the world of broadcasting. Chap will be The Herald's radio columnist and he will have a daily story crammed full of interesting and valuable information that no radio fan should miss. Watch for Chap's first story in tomorrow's Herald. The Onondaga announcer is a mighty busy man, but when The Herald's radio editor invited him to join the staff Chap jumped at the opportunity to provide his listeners with timely broadcasting news. Chap's voice is familiar to radio fans all over the State, but few listeners know that the Syracuse announcer can write radio as well as talk it. This will not be his first attempt by any means, so readers of The Herald are assured of expert advice written by an experienced writer. As we said before, Chappell is a busy man, and he will be busier than ever now. But he is going to like it. He says that nothing will suit him better than to communicate with his hearers through The Herald. We want all you radio fans to let us know what you think of Chap's column. ________________________ [Monday November 9, 1925 - Riding the Waves With Chap (RTWWC) - This is the text of the first column in its entirety:] Riding the Waves With Chap By ERNEST E. CHAPPEL. [sic] WFBL Radio Director. Well, radio fans, I have become a columnist. Yes, I am a radio columnist. I was born just last Friday afternoon, and immediately upon seeing the light of day in the world of journalism, decided that I'd start right out and get acquainted with the inhabitants of said world and then make friends with the world they write about. The first part was easy, but the second is sure a hippo's mouthful. By nature of my occupation, I am assigned to radio. What could be sweeter than to kill two birds with one stone? Listen--The Herald doesn't know it but I am going to use this space for twin purposes. FIRST--We are going to give The Herald's radio readers the most up-to-the-minute radio news, not only from a listener's standpoint but also from the broadcaster as well. SECOND--It is going to give me an opportunity for which I have long waited: the chance to have real contact with the unseen audience of WFBL. To talk with you, get your ideas, your suggestions through the medium of The Herald's radio page, and put them into concrete form for the betterment of local broadcasting. We want every one of our readers to be "program directors" of their own local station. Just those two words--program director--but what a world of work for the person who bears that title on the staff of any station. That is the thought which I want to bring out in this, the first of my printed efforts. For just a few moments, will any one of you be a program director? Then just imagine yourself sending from two to five hours of entertainment into every home with a radio, in Syracuse alone. In the course of the day, you will reach probably 15,000 people minimum. First--You are going to entertain the housewife. She is burdened with home responsibilities and turns to the radio in the hope of finding something that will lighten these. Then you have the children, all ages, who are really learning by radio, in an entertaining way. But this is the age of adolescence, when the child mind is taking concrete form and his character and ideals are in the making. Are you amusing him for good or evil? Is he receiving wholesome, instructive material over this second most important highway to the mind, his sense of hearing? Or are you helping to develop a race of criminals? Think this over, and be particular what your child hears on the air. Radio holds firmly in its grasp, one of the very few opportunities to make or break America and the world in the next generation. It can be the greatest working agency for peace or the most terrible agency for world chaos. The child, I believe, comes first in the considerations of a program director. THEN you will have "the tired business man," the every day working man, the professional, in fact, in every walk of life. All these people seek to be pleased and unfortunately they want to be pleased most of the time. Finding practically everyone with a different taste, therein lies the director's job, with the safety of the future generation lurking in the background. Now that you have been on a station staff for a few moments do you want to keep the job? You can be a great help, anyway. Let us get together, listeners-in, and on this page of radio, let's talk about everything pertaining to radio. Every one of you fans are theoretically hired to assist in the programs that are on the air. You are going to be "on the inside" through the medium of this column. We will be delighted to have your questions and all your correspondence. With you again tomorrow, good night all. ________________________ [Tuesday November 10, 1925 RTWWC] One of the many interesting things around a broadcasting studio is the Fan Mail. Every station has this applause in good measure, according to the quality of the program and its effect on the listener. At our WFBL studio we average 100 letters a day in the winter. All these have to be carefully checked over, first for verifications that must be acknowledged then for the usual run of fan comment, which makes it possible to determine the popular run of our regular artists, the functioning of our station, our range under different conditions, and our saturation. This latter is probably the most interesting, because of the mystery surrounding it. Example: In and around Binghamton, it is dead as far as reception of WFBL is concerned, and yet our station is heard clearly and consistently just a few miles south in Pennsylvania. Every station has these dead spots, but the cause, probably, will remain a nature secret for many years. ... "Waves." An inquiry as to the hardest program to announce from the local station. Believe us, the hardest program for any announcer is a sport contest. ... ________________________ [Wednesday November 11, 1925 RTWWC] ... ARMISTICE DAY all over the continent today. WBZ, WLW, WGY, are all major stations with fine Armistice programs. Many of the old standbys are not scheduling any special programs whatever. Our own local is not on the air Wednesday evenings, and is not celebrating in any way. However, we all realize fully what the day stands for. Think of the real meaning and then go and become a member of the American Legion's Endowment Drive $10 Club. Figures from the Department of Commerce show just how mad the U.S.A. really is. We have in this country just about twice as many stations as the rest of the world en masse. Exact figures are 277 operating outside the United States as compared with 563 stations operating in this country. ... ________________________ [Thursday November 12, 1925 RTWWC] ... Have you noticed that of late when many stations sign off, you do not hear the announcer give his initials or nickname? Many of the larger stations have discontinued the practice, branding it as obsolete. Radio listeners who have favorite announcers are so familiar with their voices as to make initial giving unnecessary and superfluous. ... ________________________ [Friday November 13, 1925 RTWWC] ... Today is the big day in the hearts of 54 members of Uncle Dick's Bed Time Smile Club [a fifteen minute long program broadcast five nights a week on WFBL around 7:15]. All these little friends of Uncle Dick's who have had birthdays during the last week will assemble tonight on the Roof Garden of the Onondaga Hotel for their own Smile Club birthday party. Ice cream and cake, a radio story by Uncle Dick, and lots of games will send many a little tot home with a warm spot in his heart for Uncle Dick and Station WFBL. At the present time there are enrolled in this little organization about 1,500 members. The youngest, at present writing, is eight days old; the oldest is 81 years. The closest to the station is a resident of the hotel; the most distant is Shanghai, China. So you see, bed time storys [sic] is a pretty big business, after all. ... ________________________ [Saturday November 14, 1925 RTWWC - WFBL was a Class B radio station] ... Many times the question has been asked "What is the difference between Class A and Class B broadcasting?" A Class A station is as a rule one operating within the band of wavelength between 200 and 275 meters. A station of this type can use any power it desires on to 500 watts, but that is the maximum. Class A stations have considerable leeway in their operation and are not required to maintain the rigid standards set for Class B broadcasters. A Class A station can broadcast mechanical music from the phonograph or player piano without any objection on the part of the government. They need not have a regular studio and no intricate installations of apparatus are necessary. Far different is the case with the Class B station. These set a very high standard of operation and must maintain this standard, in default of which their license will be revoked. The wave length band for Class B stations is 275 to 545 meters. The minimum power that can be used is 500 watts. The Class B station must be equipped with a standardized studio. Class Bs are at all times under rigid supervision from the Government. ... ________________________ [Tuesday November 17, 1925 RTWWC] [A fan letter from H. A. Bateman and family] ... makes a guess that we have our hands full at the local station each Friday night with Uncle Dick's Bed Time Smile Club. You said it, Mr. Bateman. How many ever had the experience of running a birthday party for 54 children between the age of 1 and 15 years? But we have a great time making all of Uncle Dick's little friends happy and feel that we are succeeding. What we want is even bigger parties than we have now. That means a bigger enrollment in the Smi-ha-ha-hile Club. ... Many of our WFBL fans write in and ask if we permit spectators on our programs. That is an impossibility at the present time, as our studio is not equipped to handle any audience at the broadcasts. But in the near future we hope to accommodate a goodly crowd at many of our programs. Announcements will be made when this time comes and we hope to see many fans in attendance. ... ________________________ [Thursday November 19, 1925] WFBL PRESENTS FIRST BIRTHDAY PROGRAM TODAY Washer Band, Ambassadors, Van Alstyne Boys to Broadcast. ... By RAY DAYO. A full night program, beginning with an Aldrich concert at 6:15 o'clock and ending with the vaudeville Van Alstyne boys, who go on the air at 11:30 o'clock, will mark WFBL's celebration of its first anniversary today. Chap has booked a program of all-star entertainers that promises to be a fitting celebration of a successful year. The Syracuse Easy Washer Band [made up of employees of the Syracuse Washing Machine Company] will start the main program at 9:30 o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock the Ambassadors, touted syncopaters of Binghamton, will broadcast, and Mayor Walrath will give an address. Mr. Bruns is unable to be present. The Van Alstyne Boys, who this week are showing at the Empire Theater, will conclude the program. Since WFBL was opened Nov. 19, 1924, 1,135 programs have been broadcast. Nearly 40 orchestras, seven bands, 40 pianists, 15 violinists, 17 tenors, 24 sopranos, 16 baritones and 45 miscellaneous concerts are included in the long list of the year's broadcasters. Chap is mighty proud of the record, and he has good reason to be. There have been only eight silent days and only six interruptions in broadcasting. The average length of programs was one hour, one minute and six seconds. The total time on the air was 1,156 hours and 10 minutes. Total time off for repairs was 21 minutes and 30 seconds. Ernest E. Chappell has been director and announcer since Feb. 1. [Feb. 10?] He has announced 792 programs. Victor Miller, who preceded him, announced 175 programs. J. B. Evans has handled 76 concerts; Paul Ramseyer, 63, and Charles Phillips, 21. ________________________ [Thursday November 19, 1925 RTWWC - This is the entire text of the column:] Just one year ago today, there was sent out on the air from Syracuse, the first program from WFBL, the Onondaga Hotel. Since that time, the station has placed Syracuse first in everything, and has served the community to the best of its ability. The writer did not have the privilege of being connected with the premier broadcasting efforts by Syracuse, but his dreams were very much fulfilled, when the opportunity presented itself in that field. Probably the greatest service to the people of Syracuse, was the broadcasting on March 4, last, of the Coolidge Inaugural Address direct from the Capitol steps at Washington, D.C. This ceremony was put on the air perfectly and was thoroughly enjoyed by thousands upon thousands of American citizens the country over. Next in point of service to the people comes the church services. Last season, the Vesper from the First Presbyterian Church, and this season, the evening service from the First Methodist Church. Both of these services are greatly appreciated as a Sunday program by thousands of Syracusans who are unable to attend a church service, say nothing of the countless listeners outside of our city. Then the Lenten services at noontime from Kieth's Theater all through Lent on this year. This was probably the greatest work of uplift that has been done in Syracuse for some time. Beginning the first Sunday in December, the First Presbyterian Church will broadcast their Vesper, giving us two of the best services in town each Sunday. Next in line, we point to the recent elections. Radio had much to do in the campaign just passed. Many people who would otherwise not hear either candidate, were able to vote intelligently because they had heard both sides of the arguments via radio. Probably next comes the sports service from WFBL. The 1925 World's Series was greatly enjoyed, play by play, through the courtesy of The Syracuse Herald, who gave us direct lines and an operator in the studio for every game. The football games on the Hill have been put on direct from the press box in the Stadium, to the delight of thousands. All of these opportunities for service, and many more, have been filled to the letter by the Onondaga station. Syracuse would be much alone without its radio, it is a humble opinion. And yet it is all just started. It is just coming into its own in the place reserved for it in the city life of today; yes, in farm life as well. In the tomorrow, it is bound to play one of the biggest roles. WFBL's reports for the year disclose some very remarkable records. Permit me to call to your attention the more important ones. The total time on the air, since Nov. 19, 1924, 1,156 hours and 10 minutes; number of programs, 1,135; average length of programs, 1 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds; programs from remote control, 155; silent days in the year, 1 1/5; total of interruptions in broadcasting, 6; total time off for repairs, 21 minutes, 30 seconds. These are the most interesting ones. The latter two are the records that we are most proud of. When one considers that out of 1,156 hours of broadcasting, only 21 minutes, 30 seconds were taken out for repairs, one cannot help but marvel just a bit. For that is a fine record in our operating room. The station is indebted to our chief engineer, Mr. Woodworth, and the always vigilant operator, Charles Phillips, the least talked about man on a station staff, but the most important, for without him, the works are gummed. On our first birthday, we submit our first record, and promise that we will do our best for Syracuse that on our second anniversary, we may be able to present a better one. ________________________ [Saturday November 21, 1925 RTWWC] ... Many of our listeners heard Jim Ellenwood last night from WFBL speak on the subject, "The Boys of Syracuse." He is backing the generation of tomorrow to the utmost, as is evidenced by the following: "I recently attended a dinner and sat beside a college president. In the course of our conversation, this educational head said: 'I believe that the young people of today are going to the deuce.' (Censored.) I answered him, saying that when they arrived they would find many thousands of their elders had beaten them to it." Words such as these going out on the air cannot help but do good. We are proud to have had the opportunity of presenting Mr. Ellenwood. ... ________________________ [Tuesday November 24, 1925 RTWWC] In yesterday's mail came the question from one of our local radio fans: "Are broadcasting artists paid for their entertainment?" The answer to that in the case of our local station is "No." In very rare cases are artists appearing on WFBL's programs paid for their services. These cases are generally connected with a commercial program and then the advertiser pays the artist, not the station management. Every one of the scheduled programs from the local station in the last year has been put on the air with the fine co-operation of our entertainers. Then the question comes: "What return do they get?" In reply to that, we generally ask the question: "In what other manner can an artist, at the cost of less than an hour of effort, put his or her name before a minimum audience of 25,000 people?" Many of our most prominent entertainers owe their success entirely to their work before WFBL's microphone. Radio is the finest medium of publicity that exists today. Of course, there are stations that pay their artists well for their broadcasting work, but these stations are generally owned and operated by some great corporation or combine that must have regular A-1 programs with which to advertise their business at any cost. In such cases, paying the artist merely serves to cut the firm's income tax. ... ________________________ [Friday November 27, 1925 RTWWC] ... Nearly every person who wrote in [recently about Uncle Dick's Bedtime Smile Club] wanted to know where Uncle Dick ever gets all the stories that he tells every night for five nights a week, nine months out of the year. That is a secret that he keeps to himself. You can tell that little member of the club that he knows every story by heart. See if he believes you. At any rate, the search for bedtime stories suitable for broadcasting was a long, weary job which ended just a short time ago when the story teller discovered a set of books that contained in boiled down form just what he had been searching for. In the course of a week or ten days a story has to be put on the air that will be acceptable to every type of child-mind between the ages of one year and 15. To choose this blanket of tales takes quite a bit of effort. In the course of a week we select from the following divisions: Fairy and Wonder Tales, Folk Tales and Myths, Stories of Greece and Rome, Heroes and Heroines, Stories That Never Grow Old, Old Fashioned Tales, Tales of Courage and Heroism, Animal and Nature Stories, Stories of Today and Poems. In these ten divisions we find a class of stories that will please any age that may be listening in for the bedtime period. It has been discovered that many of the older people -- dads and mothers -- often find themselves interested in the nod period. Some, it is found, are inclined to complain because so much time is taken in putting on this bedtime period. We are always open to suggestions, but where a program is doing some good, it will continue. Might I take a moment of time to tell you of a few very interesting incidents that have come up as a result of the story teller? One in particular is the case of a pretty little girl in Syracuse who was being brought up in the best environment possible and every attention was given to her that she might have every advantage. But this child had one habit and that seemed unconquerable, that of biting her finger nails. Both her mother and her nurse had tried every remedy they could think of and had failed. It happened that the young lady was a member of the Smile Club and that Uncle Dick was a very good friend of her dad. So Uncle Dick knew all the time that she was disobeying her mother and refusing to stop, and spoke to her about it one night at the bedtime period. Not once since then has that little girl bitten her fingernails intentionally. ... ________________________ [Saturday November 28, 1925 RTWWC reports on resolutions passed at the Fourth National Radio Conference in Washington, D.C.] |
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