Description Live horror radio play next weekend
Message Text Dear QP fans,
I thought you might be interested in a live horror radio show I will be doing on Saturday 23 April at 3.00pm (GMT) about 10am EST. It will be live on air and webcast as well as having a studio audience. My colleague (Mary Traynor) is a former BBC producer and we have a professional live musician so the technical standard will be high. The actors and sound effects team have been enjoying intensive training too. It will be broadcast via:
It will be a 30-minute horror play called IN THE PIT and is filled with blood, guts and irony. It aims to be pure radio as it is set in a deep, dark coalmine. It is a brand new script in the OTR style and owes a lot to the gruesome and inventive excesses of US radio drama of the 1930-50s: it is not Q,P but fans of early Wyllis Cooper will love it as it is very Lights Out, Mysterious Traveler, ISM and The Witch's Tale! It emerges from the research I've doing for my McFarland book: Terror on the Air! Horror Radio in the Golden Age of American Broadcasting (2006) whic features a whole chapter on these and QP.
At a later date we will have a CD with recordings, interviews, a short documentary and some photographs.
I hope you all can listen!
Dr Richard J. Hand,
Reader in Theatre and Media Drama,
University of Glamorgan,
CF37 1DL. Wales. UK.

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Submission Date Apr 19, 2005