Wikipedia errs about Quiet Please

Title Wikipedia errs about Quiet Please
Message Text Im confused about what wikipedia is saying...,_Please

Actually. I'm not confused.. This is just a rant..

Read what wikipeadia says...


Quiet, Please debuted June 8, 1947 on the Mutual Broadcasting System, and its last episode was broadcast June 25, 1949, on the ABC. A total of 106 shows were broadcast, with only a very few of them repeats...

Ok, if it's true there were 106 broadcast, with only 4 of them being repeats as based on the information here, that would mean there were only 102 actual episodes...

Well that can't be accurate, because we currently have 92 of the episodes, (actaully 91 and a half) meaning only 10 would be missing... But it's not ten, it's 14 and a half missing.
So somehow something isn't adding up.

But there's more...

"For many years, the majority of the show's episodes were feared lost, with only 12 episodes in general circulation among collectors. In the late 1980s, more than 80 episodes were discovered,.."

Ok, hold on a second..
If there were 12 in circulation, then OVER 80 more were found in the late 1980s.. then that would bring the total amount of existing episodes up to AT LEAST 93 - right?

It goes on to say...

..Currently in circulation are 88 episodes, plus half of an 89th...

Ok, let's get the calculator:

93 (at least) in the late 1980s
- 88 (and a half) in existence now
5 (at least)

What happened to the other at least 5 ??

Answer, there isn't another 5.
Wiki is wrong about 88 in existence now, as we have 91 and a half.

Wiki goes on to err further..

..Another 17 are presumed lost, though, according to Hand, scripts survive for all of them..

Hmmmm... Isn't it actually only 14 and a half missing?

The 14 and half missing episodes..

Episode #9 A Mile High and a Mile Deep Aired 1947-08-18
Episode #10 Mirror, Mirror On the Wall Aired 1947-08-24
Episode #11 A Ribbon of Lincoln Green Aired 1947-08-31**
Episode #12 Retreat At Dunkerque Aired 1947-09-03**
Episode #13 Three Sides To A Story Aired 1947-09-07
Episode #15 The Big Box Aired 1947-09-15
Episode #16 Be a Good Dog, Darling Aired 1947-09-22** half missing
Episode #17 The Low Road Aired 1947-09-29
Episode #41 "Meeting at Ticonderoga" Aired 1948-03-15
Episode #52 Below 5th Avenue Aired 1948-05-31
Episode #53 100,000 Diameters Aired 1948-06-07
Episode #63 Motive Aired 1948-08-30
Episode #78 Read Me This Riddle Aired 1948-12-12
Episode #79 Gothic Tale Aired 1948-12-19
Episode #94 The Venetian Blind Man Aired 1949-04-03

Ok. I'm done ranting.
Wiki needs some corrections.
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