4 Logs Compared and the results

Title 4 Logs Compared and the results
Description Four different Quiet Please logs compared side by side - This is a summary of the differences, and my conclusion on which log is the most accurate one.. and why I think so.. However, I'm no expert and welcome those more knowledgeable on the matter to offer their correction or insight..
Message Text I'm sure much effort has been put forth by numerous people over the years in compiling of information needed to formulate accurate Quiet Please logs. But the logs don't always agree. I haven't done any real research myself, but I do explore those conclusions of research concerning this series..

I put four Quiet Please logs side by side on one webpage page to make it easier to compare.
You can look at the page here: https://db.tt/G7uSmvqe
(You might have to scroll sideways a little bit, depending on you screen resolution)

The logs compared are:
1. Jerry Haendiges Log.
2. Pauls episode guide
3.Gordon Payton's Log, and
4. The Digital Deli Log

Here is a summary of the results:

Of the logs compared all agree on August 17, 1947, - except for quietplease.org which states August 18th..

The actual script says:
Sunday, August 17, 1947
10:10-10:30 PM EDST (Network)

Monday, August 18, 1947
10:00-10:30 PM EDST (WOR)

So I guess everyone is right..? How does one go about determining which date to use in a log? (Network vs WOR)
Wouldn't it be more accurate to list both?

Episode #15 "THE BIG BOX"
All logs agree on September 15, 1947, except for Gordon Payton who says September 14th.
The original script states:
WOR -10:00-10:30 PM EDST MONDAY SEPT. 15, 1947
Network – 8:30-9:00 PM EDST Wednesday SEPT. 17, 1947

I'm going to jump ahead for a moment to episode #101..

All logs agree on May 21, 1949, except for Quietplease.org stating May 22.
I'm not where to look for specific background information to confirm actual dates, nor found an original script for Oldest Man In the World, but of note, both quietlyyours.webs.com and www.genericradio.com provide a transcript of episode #101: as "In The House Where I Was Born"

Now let me jump back and cover episodes 17 thru 34 in one swipe...

All logs agree on air dates for episodes #17 thru #34..
EXCEPT for the digital Deli which are all two days later.. For his sources of information he cites specific newspapers of that era for each individual episode concerning their air date. Those newspapers include: Wisconsin State Journal, Hutchinson News Herald, Bradford Era, Syracuse Herald Journal, Portsmouth Times, and Morning Herald.

Although I haven't researched to confirm his information, I am inclined to believe it to be valid.. otherwise it would mean either the 1940's newspapers were incorrect about the air dates, or that he fabricated the whole thing out of the blue - Neither of these possibilities seem likely, so I tend to put confidence in his research..

If his research is indeed valid, then that would lean strongly to conclude his log is the most accurate one.
Or so it seems to me.

What is your opinion on this matter?

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Submission Date Jun 17, 2014