Scans of magazines with Quiet Please subject matter

Title Scans of magazines with Quiet Please subject matter
Message Text I was going thruogh the pages of for Quiet Please content, and while most (if not all) of the material below is already documented here at, I thought it worth providing links to some scans of the actual magazine pages, ie: images of the actual sources in pdf form.

Also note that some of these are weekly grid radio schedules for on given months and years.. I only link two weekly schedules from two magazines below, but the same magazines have more schedules (with Quiet Please listed) in their other issues as well, many of which are accessible at that site

Anyway, here's a few direct links from magazine issues which I though cool..

Radio Mirror May 1948 - Page 97
Everything is done to make that Quiet, Please show as realistic as possible, including making the leading man a little sick in the interest of his art.
Recently, Ernest Chappell was supposed to be talking with a "chaw" of tobacco in his jaw. Chappell held out against the tobacco, but he had to chew on something and the director picked chocolate as a substitute cheek filler. By the time the rehearsal and the show were finished Chappell had gone away and had to forego a steak dinner party to which the rest of the cast went.

Here a poem about "Quiet Please" get's featured in the magazine:...

Radio Mirror October 1948 - Page 46
'Between the Bookends"
She looks beneath her bed before retiring,
Draws all the shades and closes tight the
Makes certain the shotgun is cocked for
' firing
And sets a trap for some intruding mouse.
Then, turning out all lights, and snuffing
(Her breath held in as if afraid to sneeze,)
She walks to a dark room on padded sandals
And listens to the program: "Quiet
Please ..."
-Rosa Zagnoni Marinoni
RADIO MIRROR WILL PAY $50 for the best original poem sent in each month by a reader. Five dollars will be paid for each other original poem used on the Between the Bookends pages in Radio Mirror.

Here's a grid schedules listing of Quiet Please .. In this particular issue from February 1949, it list Quiet Please on MBS, Sundays at 5pm (there are more issues)

Broadcasting Magazine December 15 1947 - Page 84
MBS, Fiction Magazines To Try Tie -in Promotion
A JOINT promotion and exploitation agreement involving seven MBS programs and 23 pulp fiction magazines has been arranged by the network and the popular fiction group, MBS has announced. The promotion, to begin in January and run for at least eight months, is the result of a basic appeal made by both the "whodun-its" and the fiction magazines, according to the network. Radio programs involved will call attention to magazine features which tie in with the show, and the pulps will carry a "preferred listening box," listing the seven Mutual shows, time, and a brief description of each.
Radio programs which will participate include Scarlet Queen, Quiet Please, Nick Carter, Zane Grey Show, High Adventure, Racket Smashers and Mysterious Traveler.

Broadcasting Magazine also has numerous editions with weekly grid layout schedules in red white and black , which show Quiet Please. (I havent looked at them all yet) In this particular issue from December 1947 it shows Quiet Please on Wednesday nights at 8:30

Radio Daily July 17 1947
- Behind the Mike by Sid Weiss:
Ernest Chappell celebrating his 25th year in radio with the broadcasting of his new
show, "Quiet,Please.

Radio Daily July 24 1947 -Page 8
Fordham Radio Course Has Imposing Agenda
August 4, Wyllis Cooper, will dicuss scripts and direction from the time of his famed
"Lights Out"to his current show "Quiet Please."

Radio Daily Tuesday, July 8 1947
- Behind the Mike by Sid Weiss:
"Quiet,Please,"one of the few adult-thinking shows on the air,is shopping around for a new time on Mutual —all because it's producer narrator, Ernest Chappell, is a busy gent. Seems he's on an opposition network at the same time Mutual wanted to spot Wed. nites.

Broadcasting Magazine Dec. 8, 1947 - Page 88
Awards Announced By Schools, Colleges
LEADING NETWORK shows won recognition today when the American Schools and Colleges Assn. announced recipients of its second annual radio awards.
This year's winners include: Audience participation, Truth or Consequences; children's, Juvenile Jury and Land of the Lost; dramatic shows, Theatre Guild of the Air and Quiet Please;... / edit/ ... religious, Eternal Light and Greatest Story Ever Told.
Kenneth J. Beebe, association president, declared the awards were based on consistent performance "in the interest of the advancement of public enlightenment and /or public service." He also supported that theory by saying radio is regaining the high standards of public service and quick public enlightenment established during the war.
More than 150 nationally known educators and civic leaders were polled in the survey for winners of the awards, which were established to encourage radio to strive for public service and public enlightenment through intelligent programing.

Broadcasting Magazine May 10, 1948 edition - Page 30
Awards at 18th Annual IER, Ohio State U.
National Networks and Organizations
(Network Awards, BROADCASTING, May 3)
Rellgous- "The Eternal Light" (NBC), The Greatest Story Ever Told" (ABC),
"Family Theatre" (MBS) -all first awards.
Agrlcultural- "The Garden Gate" (C S) and "National Farm and Home
Ho r" NBC" -both first awards.
Cultural- General -"CBS Is There" (CBS) -first award; "State IS" (CBC) and "Quiet Please" (MBS)- honorable mention.

Broadcasting Magazine November 14, 1949
WYLLIS COOPER, radio and television writer, producer and director, creator recently of Quiet Please, and Volume One, Numbers 1 -6, on ABC radio and TV networks respectively, appointed executive writer, producer and director at CBS TV. He soon will launch new CBS -TV series, featuring his work and that of others. He was with CBS from 1930 to 1933, as continuity editor in Chicago, leaving to join NBC, where he originated, wrote and directed Lights Out and other series.

Broadcasting Magazine April 25 1949 - Page 64
Wyllie Cooper, writer of Quiet Please which is broadcast Sunday afternoons on ABC, will write, direct and appear personally in a new weekly series starting in June on the ABC TV network.
Series will be called Volume One, Numbers One to Six and will be half hour programs following the Quiet Please format....

Broadcasting Magazine February 14, 1949 - Page 52
Willis Cooper, producer and writer of Quiet Please, effective this week takes over the writing chores of the simulcast of We the People.

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