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Fire and Shadow

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Episode #109
Aired 2021-02-22
Length: 20:23
Size: 37.6 MB

There are moments when your life comes into focus, moments when things become clear to you that were always vague. For Jonah, the man who speaks to you tonight, the past 12 hours have been utterly transformative.

A big storm has knocked out the power, and 6 people come down to the common room to huddle around the fireplace. Soren is afraid. Sally is irrepressibly cheerful. But it's Percival who captures Jonah's imagination with the thought that their present experience parallels one of Plato's thought experiments. Surrounded by the storm, sitting between the warm fire and the cold shadows, Jonah's perspective on his existence begins to change.

Headphones recommended for the stereo effects.

Written by Paul Knierim. Features Paul Knierim, John Alan Gaunce, Virginia Hargrove, Lindsay Townsend, Paul Moss and Gary Wallen. Music and effects mostly courtesy of You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Not everything surreal is sinister, Soren. It's beautiful.

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