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The Future of History

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Episode #110
Aired 2021-06-30
Length: 21:44
Size: 20.1 MB

The visit to Union Cemetery is a ritual for Clifton each New Year's day. Rain or shine, he comes out to where his love was buried to reflect and honor her memory. But this time is different -- very different. This time he's joined by an inventor whose invention he stole and must steal again.

Time travel is full of paradoxes. What happens when you trigger one? Does logic go out the window, does the universe simply break and end, or do you find yourself in a temporal loop? In many time travel stories characters seek to escape a temporal loop, but the man who speaks to you today seeks to create one.

The central characters are an odd triad. Reginald Iverson invented time travel in 1985 and is making his first trip to the future to visit 2022 -- and finding himself puzzled that he's not famous. Clifton is the man who will give anything to change history again. Elizabeth is the woman determined not to have her life saved. There are but minutes for the three to work out their differences before their appointment with history.

What would you sacrifice for five more years with the person you love?

Written by Paul Knierim. Features Paul Knierim, John Alan Gaunce, Virginia Hargrove, Gary Wallen and Lindsay Townsend. You can also watch this video on YouTube.

Who's to say the future is better and the past should be obliterated? Who's to say those five years aren't more deserving of having life again than whatever would've followed?

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