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Be a Good Dog, Darling

Noise-reduced version
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Episode #16
Aired 1947-09-22
Length: 32:55
Size: 15.1 MB

You're talking to a man who works as an encyclopedia salesman. His name is Grover Hayes, and he has a dog named Olivia. He used to have a wife named Olivia. He says the dog is an evil little thing, just like his former wife. The dog barks and growls at him as he talks to you, but he tells it to shut up.

Grover Hayes isn't here on business, but he still insists encyclopedias are amazing things, with practical value. He's read all the encyclopedias he sells, and learned a great deal from them. Try volume 6, for example. It opens to page 3147. The heading is "magical formulas." Read it... you may learn something useful.

Only the first 10 minutes of this episode survived in the original form. The remainder of the episode was re-created for this site in January 2019. The episode is provided here in two versions: one version with with the 10 minutes of original 1947 audio followed by re-production of the remaining minutes, and the other version a consistently-voiced re-production of the full episode.

Features Paul Knierim, Virginia Hargrove, Colleen Meier and David Feldmann.

No man, however impressive, can possess the sheer impact contained in those 24 volumes bound in half Morroco, complete with index and yearly supplement and yours for only eight dollars a month.
Grover Hayes

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