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The Time of the Big Snow

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Episode #81
Aired 1949-01-02
Length: 28:14
Size: 6.46 MB

It was January 2nd. There was a little snow the day before thanksgiving, but nowhere near as much, nothing this deep. Kate and Ted remember that day many years ago... the time of the big snow. They tell the story of that day, when the two of them ventured out into the snow at the age of 7. They tell the story of the blizzard and of being unable to see anything or figure out where they were through the solid white sheet whipping about.

The two children are lost and freezing. They wander about, trying to find the sidewalk and get to a house. There's an old saying for when it's snowing: "The old woman's picking her geese." In this case the old woman was especially busy, with feathers turned to snow coming down in larger amounts than ever before.

"The Time of the Big Snow" is a fantasy story, and also a bit of a departure from the usual Quiet, Please themes. It's not as dark or eerie as most episodes. In a lot of ways it's a children's story -- the basic plot is simple, and most of it is told from the point of view of children.

The old woman's picking her geese.

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