The Other Side of the Stars

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Episode #99
Aired 1949-05-08
Length: 29:22
Size: 6.72 MB

Remember the house on Mt. Wilson? The house with nothing in it, with nothing behind the door? Remember the astronomer Van Dyk, the astronomer who knows almost everything?

Oso del cielo -- well of sky. Lleno de oro y plata -- full of gold and silver. Using an ancient Spanish map, a man sets out looking for the well of the sky, hoping to find the gold and silver. When he and his companion Dorothy arrive at the well, though, they see nothing but the skeleton of a Spanish soldier. Dorothy hears something, though: music. In a 400 year old hole nearly 100 feet deep, there's music.

The stars are so incredibly far away, yet at the same time so close. What's out there? What's on the other side of the stars? Does it know about us?

I know what's out there on the other side of the stars."

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